Dokter RSUA Bersama SEC Surabaya Ciptakan Mars Lawan Corona

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Dokter RSUA Bersama SEC Surabaya Ciptakan Mars Lawan Corona

UNAIR NEWS – Pandemi Covid-19 yang masih terjadi memunculkan ide-ide untuk memberikan semangat dan dukungan untuk para tenaga kesehatan. Di Universitas Airlangga, para dokter berkolaborasi memberikan support kepada tenaga kesehatan…

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RSUA doctors with SEC Surabaya compose march song about their fight against Corona

Read more about the article RSUA doctors with SEC Surabaya compose march song about their fight against Corona
RSUA Doctors with SEC Surabaya Create Mars Against Corona

UNAIR NEWS - The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has brought up ideas to provide enthusiasm and support for health workers. Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) doctors have collaborated to provide support to health workers by…

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