Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences trains vocational school students in Madura to process fishery products properly

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UNAIR NEWS – One of the goals of the university is to apply the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. One of them is community service (pengmas). Therefore, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPK) Universitas Airlangga through the Department of Maritime Affairs held an online community service via Zoom Meeting app on Saturday, October 3, 2020.

The community service activity on Application Training for Processed Seaweed Hygiene was initiated by 3 lecturers of FPK UNAIR, Eka Saputra S.Pi., M.Si., as the Chief Executive; Dr. Rr. Juni Triastuti, S.Pi., M.Si .; and Prof. Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Ir., M.Si., PhD. The training was aimed at the Seaweed Processing Group in Aeng Dake / Bluto Village, Sumenep Regency, Madura, East Java, especially to students of Nasrul Ulum Aeng Dake Fishery Vocational School.

It is one of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Assisted Villages which has a fishery and seaweed center. With this fishery potential, Eka said that the goal of the community service is to provide information related to fishery product sanitation and hygiene. So the products have additional economic value.

According to the lecturer who was born in Medan, vocational students were chosen to be partners for the training so that they have a variety of information related to the proper fishery processing. “Also, it is to introduce the faculty of fisheries and marine sciences,” he added.

The training materials were in line with the participants’ knowledge. To the vocational school students, Eka Saputra, M.Si conveyed several topics related to the characteristics of fish and the characteristics of rotten fish, including the handling of fishery product and having games about the materials.

“I hope that this community service can improve the world of fisheries, especially local fishery products, which can have better quality and compete in domestic and even international markets,” said Eka. (*)

Author: R. Dimar Herfano Akbar

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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