Vendrika Annahldi Determined to Increase his Achievement in Pencak Silat

Muhammad Vendrika Annahldi determined to increase the achievements of martial arts fields. The student of D3 Marketing Management, Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) batch 2017  prepared to represent UNAIR in National martial arts competition. Precisely held by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha in Bali.

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UNAIR-PDPI Holds INA-TIME International Symposium to Discuss Tuberculosis

Indonesian Pulmonologist Association (PDPI) is collaboration with Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine of Dr. Soetomo Hospital; Faculty of Medicine (FK) and Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga; and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia held 2019 Indonesian Tuberculosis International Meeting (INA-TIME) Symposium at Isyana & Rajasa Ballroom, Bumi Surabaya City Resort, Saturday, April 6, 2019.

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Cindy’s Story as the First Delegation of Cooperation with Universität Hamburg, Germany

Four months is a relatively short time for Cindy when she decided to study in abroad. It was a interesting experience for her but she did not regret to join this program. Moreover, her journey through Winter Semester program at Universität Hamburg in October last yea

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