Kabinet Gelora Sinergi Ready to Bring 2019 AUBMO to be Solid and Progressive

Bidikmisi Organization (AUBMO) Universitas Airlangga milestone has been changed. In 2019, there were new Head of AUBMO Muhammad Alfan Khoiruddin and Vice of AUBMO, Evita Anugraini. In this year's management, AUBMO carried the name of "Gelora Sinergi".

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FKM UNAIR Successfully Increases the Accreditation of National Scientific Journal

The target of 500 best universities carried out by Universitas Airlangga encourages all faculties to increase journal publications and accreditation, especially for Scopus indexed journals. In 2019, FKM UNAIR succeeded in increasing the accreditation of national scientific journals issued by (Kemenristek Dikti).

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UNAIR Interunit Staff Collaboration Develops Web-Based App to Simplify Staff Outbound

As a barometer for the university reputation in the international arena, Quacquarelli Symonds World University Ranking (QS WUR) applies various assessment indicators. One of them is the Outbound Staff field which is currently being encouraged by Universitas Airlangga.

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D3 Nursing Successfully Held Basic Life Support Training

D3 Nursing Universitas Airlangga in collaboration with East Java Indonesian Emergency and Disaster Nursing Association (HIPGABI) successfully held a Basic Life Support (BLS) training on Saturday, April 20 at Lamongan Campus Nursing D3. Basic Life Support or commonly known in Indonesia as Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD)

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Three UNAIR Staffs Develops AICMS Financial System Innovations

As a response to the advancing technological developments, all working aspects of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) are intensively developing new innovations to improve the existing service system. UNAIR Directorate of Finance was no exception, which sparked AICMS innovation some time ago.

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