Director General of Defense Strength Visits UNAIR Institute of Tropical Disease

As one of the oldest universities with the Faculty of Medicine (FK) in Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga pays great attention to the world of health. It can be seen from various institutions specifically dealing with health issues in UNAIR.. One of them is Institute of Tropical Disease at Campus C UNAIR.

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Library D3 Program Holds TOEFL Workshop and Simulation

English language proficiency is one of the required qualifications for students. Therefore, Librarianship Division Student Association (Hima) of Universitas Airlangga  (UNAIR) Library D3 Program held English for Library TOEFL Workshop aimed at improving students' English skills.

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FEB UNAIR Alumnae Becomes Youtuber, Beauty Influencer and Book Writer

The rapid development of social media makes people appear and influence others easily. It was proven by Evita Febrianti Syahputri or who was familiarly called Pepy. Universitas Airlangga alumnae graduated in March 2019 successfully becomes a beauty influencer, vlogger, and book writer.

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UNAIR Distributes Scholarships to Elementary School Students

As a form of implementation of Higher Education Tri Dharma, Universitas Airlangga always gives its attention to elementary level education. One of its contribution was done by providing scholarships to 210 students from several elementary schools (SD) in Mulyorejo Sub-district, Surabaya.

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UNAIR Follows Up Results of 2019 General Election KKN

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is the first university which conducts 2019 General Elections KKN in Indonesia. It was held from April 15 to May 3, 2019 with 106 students as participants. They were divided into nine groups and sent to areas in the city of Surabaya after accepted by East Java KPU.

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