Motivates Pacar Keling Children, BEM FKM Focuses on Health and Education Problem

Student Executive Body (BEM) Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga 2019 initiated the annual TIKOPH work program with the theme of Education and Health at Pacar Keling area, Surabaya. TIKKOPH or Communication Team of Publich Health is a club under the auspices of Community Service Department of BEM FKM.

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K3 Students Win in SASECOM 2019 National Competition at Undip

Another national achievement has been made by Universitas Airlangga. Three students of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) D3 Program of Faculty of Vocational Studies UNAIR won third place in Smart Safety Competition (SASECOM) 2019. They were Primedya Kusumawati from class 2017; Vira Rohmatul Aliyah from class 2017; and Addien Kusuma Wardani from class 2018.

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Ormada Ikamala-Rawatungga Strengthens Gathering with Orphans

Both blessings and rewards are multiplied during Ramadan. Utilizing the momentum of Ramadhan, Regional Student Organization (Ormada) Lamongan Student Association (Ikamala) collaborated with Student Movement in Tuban Airlangga (Rawatungga) in holding a gathering with orphans.

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UNAIR Professor of Biochemistry Presents Research in Germany

Prof. Dr. Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si., a professor from Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UNAIR had the opportunity to attend 4 th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference in Dresden, Germany, on 5-8 May. In the conference, she presented her research on processing biomass from agricultural waste.

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UMKM Upgrade with Students and Bukalapak

Guest lecture for Management Program undergraduate students on "UMKM Upgrade through Marketplace" took place on Friday, May 10, 2019. It was held at Miendrowo Hall Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. On this occasion, 18 UMKM practitioners assisted by Surabaya City Trade Agency were also present.

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