Di Tengah Pandemi, Majelis Rektor PTN Indonesia Ulas Kondisi Pendidikan hingga SBMPTN

Read more about the article Di Tengah Pandemi, Majelis Rektor PTN Indonesia Ulas Kondisi Pendidikan hingga SBMPTN
Rektor UNAIR Prof. Nasih saat melakukan diskusi bersama MRPTNI. ( Foto: Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS - Memcermati perkembangan  eskalasi  Pandemi  Covid-19  di Indonesia  yang  belum  dapat  diprediksi  masa  berakhirnya, maka Majelis Rektor Peguruan Tinggi Negeri Indonesia (MRPTNI) melakukan diskusi via daring untuk memperhatikan…

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Amid pandemic, rectors of Indonesian state universities review conditions of education

Read more about the article Amid pandemic, rectors of Indonesian state universities review conditions of education
UNAIR Rector, Prof. Nasih during discussion with MRPTNI. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - Observing the development of Covid-19 pandemic escalation in Indonesia which could not be predicted when to end, the Indonesian State University Rector Council (MRPTNI) held an online…

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