KKN BBM 61 UNAIR promotes toddler stunting and oral hygiene

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Students of KKN BBM 61 UNAIR socialize stunting and oral hygiene to mothers in local health center (Photo: Fida Aifiya)

UNAIR NEWS - UNAIR 61st Community Service Study Team (KKN BBM) consisting of ten students from various faculties conducted socialization on stunting and dental hygiene for toddlers. It was carried…

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Bersama Kades Desa Bendungan, Tim KKN BV Pasuruan Rancang Peraturan Desa

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H. Rufi'i Widodo selaku Kepala Desa Bendungan bersama dengan Julianda Rosyadi selaku penanggung jawab menyepakati hasil rancangan peraturan desa pada Senin (20/1). (Dok. Pribadi)

UNAIR NEWS – Peraturan desa memiliki peran penting dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa. Tindakan pemerintah desa harus memiliki dasar hukum. Selain itu, peraturan desa juga berfungsi menegaskan hak dan kewajiban pemerintah…

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Head of Bendungan village along with KKN BV Pasuruan team arranged village regulation

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Rufi'i Widodo as Head of Bendungan Village together with Julianda Rosyadi discussed on draft village regulation on Monday, January 20. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS - Village regulations have an important role in village governance. Village government actions must have a legal basis. Besides, village regulations also function to emphasize the rights and…

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KKN BV UNAIR di Kediri Ambil Dua Fokus Masalah Bidang Kesehatan

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Salah satu kegiatan KKN BV di Bidang Kesehatan. (Foto: Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS- Mahasiswa Kuliah Kerja Nyata Back to Village (KKN BV) Universitas Airlangga yang berada di Desa Manyaran, Kecamatan Banyakan, Kabupaten Kediri, memiliki program di bidang Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Penghijauan dan…

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UNAIR student community service program in Pondokrejo develops regional potential through branding

UNAIR NEWS - Pondokrejo Village, Tempurejo District Jember Regency has a tourist attraction which still known only by the local community. The potential is extraordinary; one of the tourist attraction…

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Kolaborasi Antar Elemen untuk Wujudkan Surabaya Bebas Banjir dan Air Berkualitas

UNAIR NEWS – Lantunan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya mengawali acara penghijauan dan penataan bantaran Sungai Brantas di wilayah Penjaringan Sari Surabaya, Minggu (19/1/2020). Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) kali ini menggaet sejumlah…

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UNAIR KKN Students in Tuban cooperate with BPP to deal with Grayak caterpillar outbreak in Bendonglateng Village

UNAIR NEWS - Entering the rainy season, the population of Grayak caterpillar (S. litura) is increasing. Outbreaks of caterpillar attack corn farms belonging to farmers in Tuban and Bojonegoro. One…

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Tim KKN-BV Bogor Terjun Langsung Bantu Masyarakat Terdampak Banjir

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Potret Kelompok KKN-BV Desa Bojong Kulur disela kegiatan. (Foto: Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS - Intensitas hujan yang terus meningkat sejak pergantian tahun  dan diperparah oleh jebolnya tanggul sungai Cileungsi serta sungai Cikeas menyebabkan banjir bandang yang tidak dapat dielakan di daerah…

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