Kedung Cowek Community Service Program Focuses on the Branding of MSME Products via Social Media

UNAIR NEWS - Community Service Program  (KKN) of 60th Thematic Community Study (BBM) of Universitas Airlangga  (UNAIR) Surabaya focuses on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM). The program was held in…

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KKN Students Introduce Ten Mosquito Repelling Plants to Wonokromo Community

UNAIR NEWS - Wonokromo is one of the regions with high dengue cases in Surabaya. The dense population and ineffective case report initiated Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) to conduct Inter Professional Education (IPE) Community Service…

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Students of UNAIR KKN Bandung Are Asked to Invite Communities to Restore Citarum’s Sustainability

UNAIR NEWS - KKN (Real Work Lecture) Activities at Harum Citarum Universitas Airlangga officially began and opened on Thursday, July 04 at Citarum Riverbank, Sukamukti Village, Bandung District, Bandung Regency.…

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Focused on Five KKN IPE Programs, 60th KKN Commences

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PROF. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, Drh., DEA (second from the left) gives a speech in 60th KKN IPE send-off ceremony in Kahuripan Meeting Room, Campus C. (Photo: Khefti Al Mawalia)

The 60th Inter Professional Education (IPE) Community Service Program (KKN) was officially commenced as a send-off ceremony was held on Friday, May 3, 2019 in Main Meeting Room of Kahuripan Building, Campus C.

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