The Effect of TAM in an Online Shopping Context

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The Internet shopping mall permits customers to engage during the transaction (Gefen, Karahanna, & Straub, 2003). The growth of the Internet shopping mall is a key concern to understanding customers’ expectations and how they feel regarding shopping online. According to the TAM, the model investigates the acceptance and usage of information technology (Ahn, Ryu, & Han, 2004). Furthermore, the TAM has proven the perceptions or beliefs related with the development of attitudes (Chen, Gillenson, & Sherrell, 2002). On the other hand, the purpose of this study is to empirically contribute to a deeper understanding of the relationship between customer acceptance and usage application in the Internet shopping mall on customers’ attitude towards online shopping and their intention to shop online. We developed the following research questions: (1) is there an effect of perceived ease of use on the attitude towards online shopping?; (2) is there an effect of perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness?; (3) is there an effect of perceived usefulness on attitude towards online shopping?; and (4) is there an effect of attitude towards online shopping on the intention to shop online?


Subjective perceptions, both ease of use and usefulness, play a vital role in determining a customer’s intention to adapt new technology (Davis, 1989). Perceived usefulness is described as a subjective perception by the customer regarding the site’s utility in his or her shopping task. Usefulness itself is described as a subjective perception while using the new technology that will improve on her or his performance (Davis, 1989). These perceptionsare manifested from the result of his or her shopping experience while they are using the Internet shopping mall as a shopping platform. Meanwhile, perceived ease of use is defined as the subjective perception by the customer regarding the amount of effort necessary to learn and use the website (Koufaris & Hampton-Sosa, 2004). The perceived ease of use affects consumers’ attitude towards online shopping in the Internet setting (Perea y Monsuwé et al., 2004). In the online environment, the customer interacts directly with the website. Those perceptions, then, affect a customer’s attitude towards online shopping (Perea y Monsuwé et al., 2004). Perceived usefulness is influenced by the ease of use to assure this relationship provides a positive impact on a consumers’ attitude towards online shopping (Perea y Monsuwé et al., 2004). Based on the TAM, perceived usefulness is linked with perceived ease of use because the easier the usage of a technology, the more useful it can be (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000). When customers find a website easy to use and useful, they are more likely to have a positive attitude towards the Internet shopping mall. There is a positive effect between perceived ease of use of the website and attitude towards online shopping with prior website experience (Gefen et al., 2017).

In the online shopping context, customers’ attitude is manifested in their attitude to assess the product information, form of payment, delivery terms, service offered, risk involved, privacy, security, personalisation, visual appeal, and navigation. Attitude towards shopping online is the degree to which using an internet shopping mall is positively or negatively assessed by an individual (Schierz et al., 2010). The more one has a positive attitude towards technology, it impacts on a higher intention to visit the website (Ahn et al., 2004). Attitude has been identified as a variable influence of intention.

The result show that this study is in line with previous studies. Perceived usefulness and ease of use influence attitudes towards shopping online, and attitudes towards shopping online positively influence on the intention to shop online. The beliefs determining attitude and intention are influenced by a perceived ease of use and usefulness (Suki, 2011). The result showed a significant and positive relationship between the perceived ease of use and attitude towards online shopping.The relationship between the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness is found positive and significant, and the relationship between perceived usefulness and attitude towards online shopping is positive and significant. A customer’s attitude towards shopping online in the Internet shopping mall confirms that the attitude is influenced by the perceived ease of use and usefulness.


Due to the attitude towards online shopping being positively significant, marketers should seek to make a good impression among the customers whom have no prior experience in online shopping through the Internet shopping mall. Through an application, customers can search for information about the products or services, payment method, delivery services, returns and exchange policy, and after-sales support.

Penulis: Ratri Amelia Aisyah, S.M., M.SM.

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