A Model of Legal Protectionfor Traditional Medicines (Jamu) as Part of Traditional Knowledge

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The present study has a general purpose of the creation of a special law governing the protection of intellectual works in the form of traditional knowledge. The specific purpose is to find out the right legal protection model for traditional medicine (jamu) as part of traditional knowledge. The conceptual and legislative approaches with the deductive analysis are used as the methods of the study. The results of analysis show ed thattraditional knowledge in the form of jamu cannot be protected under the Patent Law since it does not fulfill the novelty requirements. Traditiona l knowledge require sprotection in the form of a special law.

Protection Of Jamu Under The Patent Law

Patents are among the Intellectual Property  Rights (IPR) regimes that provide  many benefits tohuman  life.  One  type  of  patents  related  to  medicines  is  pharmaceutical  patents.  In  accordance Alt Regulation of The Ministerof Health No.1575/MenKes/Per/XI/2005, The Directorate General of Pharmaceutical  and  Medical  Devices  Development  is  in  charge  of  formulating  and  implementing policies and technical Standardization in Pharmaceutical and Medical Services development. Inorder  to  perform  this  task,  the  Directorate  General  of  Pharmaceutical  and  Medical  Devices Development serves to formulate policies with regard to tradisional Drug use.

Meanwhile, Article 7 ofthe Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPs) reads “The Protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights hould contribute to The promotion of technological innovation  and  the  transfer  and  dissemination  of  technology  to  the  mutualadvantage of producer  and user of technological knowledge and in a  manner  conducive to Social and Economic welfare ,and to balance of Rights and obligations ”.Thus, the protection and law enforcement of intellectual property rights basically aim to promote innovation, transferand dissemination of Technology by creating Social and Economic welfare and a balance between Rights and obligations. With regard to Pharmaceutical and tradisional medicines, The provisions of Article 7 of TRIPs ari really significant, conside ring that The production and use of traditional medicines are being intensified as an alternative medicine. This is alto supported by Indonesian culture.

The Invention Can Be Applied toTheIndustrial Sector;

An invention of medicines can be granted a patent since medicines fulfill the requirements for apatent. The issue si whether tradisional medicines cam alto be granted patents, given theword ‘traditional’ attached to Irisareflection of Th e word‘ communal’, thatis, The ownership si Ashar done, while  The paten regime which si parit of The IPR regime in principle si individu linnature. Thus, a contradiction exists between the two. Therefore, a further study is required with regard to Three quirements for The granting of patents for tradisional medicines


Several conclusions cam bedrawn .First, Protection of tradisional knowledge in Indonesia requires a specific law separate from the current IPR law since the latter does not accommodate thesubstances  of  traditional  knowledge.  Second,  violations  of  traditional knowledge  should  beresolved on the basis of local customary law and in the future those violation should be regulated firmly and indetail in The Lawon Traditional Knowledgeand Traditiona Cultural Expressions.

Penulis : Dr. Agung Sujatmiko, S.H., M.H.         

Informasi lebih detail:

Sujatmiko, A. (2021) A Model of Legal Protection for Traditional Medicines (Jamu) as Part of Traditional Knowledge. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO),11(4),181-189.doi:10.48047/rigeo.11.04.15Submitted:20-03-2021●Revised:15-04-2021●Accepted:25-05-2021 https://rigeo.org/submit-a menuscript/index.php/submission/article/view/408/315

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