Sediaan Nanopartikel Ekstrak Daun Sinawalang sebagai Obat untuk Menurunkan Resistensi Insulin

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Foto by Hello Sehat

Saat ini, istilah “nanopartikel” bukanlah hal yang asing bagi masyarakat Indonesia, karena memang sedang marak iklan atau promosi baik obat konvensional maupun obat herbal dalam bentuk sediaan obat nanopartikel. Sebenarnya…

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The Effect of Commercial Probiotics on the Phytoplankton Diversity Associated with Biofloc

Read more about the article The Effect of Commercial Probiotics on the Phytoplankton Diversity Associated with Biofloc
Foto by Klik Hijau

Nowadays, there has been a rapid development in aquaculture activities indicated by an increase in fishery production, and a decline in capture fisheries production. Therefore, aquaculture is suggested as an…

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Adding Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix) Leaf Essential Oil to Gelatin Coating for Extending the Shelf Life of Red Snapper Fillet

Read more about the article Adding Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix) Leaf Essential Oil to Gelatin Coating for Extending the Shelf Life of Red Snapper Fillet
Foto by Kompas Lifestyle

Red snappers are one of the demersal fishes widely found in Indonesian marine waters. It is consumed by many people, and it has high economic value. In 2007, the production…

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