UNAIR academics explain self-isolation and vaccination guidelines for pregnant women

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Health Literacy Webinar Series 3 held by Geliat Airlangga with UNICEF Indonesia on Saturday, October 30, 2021, via Zoom and YouTube. (Photo: By courtesy)
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UNAIR NEWS – The number of maternal and infant deaths revealed by the East Java Provincial Health was quite surprising. As of October 2021, maternal deaths reached at least 1,127…

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Akademisi UNAIR Ungkap Panduan Isoman dan Vaksinasi Bagi Ibu Hamil

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WEBINAR Literasi Kesehatan Seri 3 yang diadakan Geliat Airlangga bersama UNICEF Indonesia, Sabtu (30/10/2021) secara daring melalui Zoom dan Youtube. (Foto: istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS – Data jumlah kematian ibu dan bayi dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur cukup mengejutkan. Per Oktober 2021, sedikitnya kematian ibu mencapai 1.127 sejak Januari hingga September 2021.…

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Geliat Airlangga provides training for village midwives and cadres of the first 1,000 days of life in three regions

Read more about the article Geliat Airlangga provides training for village midwives and cadres of the first 1,000 days of life in three regions
MTBM-MTBS TRAINING organized by Geliat Airlangga with UNICEF Indonesia, Saturday (30/10/2021) online via Zoom Meeting and GeliatAirlanga Youtube Channel. (Photo: By courtesy)
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UNAIR NEWS – More than 330 health workers consisting of midwives, doctors, nurses, health promoters, and academics attended the Integrated Management of Young Infants (MTBM) and Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (MTBS) on October…

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Geliat Airlangga Berikan Pelatihan Bagi Bidan Desa hingga Pendamping 1.000 HPK di Tiga Daerah

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PELATIHAN MTBM-MTBS yang diselenggarakan Geliat Airlangga bersama UNICEF Indonesia, Sabtu (30/10/2021) secara daring lewat Zoom Meeting dan Kanal Youtube GeliatAirlanga. (Foto: istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS – Sebanyak lebih dari 330 nakes yang terdiri dari bidan; dokter; perawat; promotor kesehatan; hingga para akademisi pagi tadi (30/10/2021) menghadiri pelatihan Manajemen Terpadu Bayi Muda (MTBM) dan…

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Faculty of Public Health has long implemented Independent Campus concept

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Solar power plant (PLTS) installation training by FKM students at PT SEI Bandung. (Doc. FKM UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS – The Faculty of Public Health (FKM) as part of Universitas Airlangga has also implemented one of the innovations from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of…

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FKM UNAIR Punya Konsep Kampus Merdeka Sejak Lama

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Pelatihan instalasi PLTS oleh Mahasiswa FKM di PT SEI Bandung. (Dok. FKM UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS - Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (FKM) sebagai bagian dari Universitas Airlangga turut menerapkan salah satu inovasi dari program Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia (Kemendikbud Ristek RI)…

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Faculty of Psychology has special humanitarian project for MBKM

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Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Si

UNAIR NEWS – The Independent Campus Freedom of Learning (MBKM) Program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud Ristek RI) provides facilities…

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Fakultas Psikologi Punya Proyek Kemanusiaan Khas untuk MBKM

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Dekan Fakultas Psikologi, Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Si

UNAIR NEWS - Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka yang digagas oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia (Kemendikbud Ristek RI) memberikan fasilitas bagi seluruh mahasiswa untuk mengeksplor kemampuan…

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