New trends to consider by businessmen in tourism sector
UNAIR NEWS – Tourism is one of the sectors generating a large amount of state revenue. Unfortunately, the pandemic has […]
UNAIR NEWS – Tourism is one of the sectors generating a large amount of state revenue. Unfortunately, the pandemic has […]
UNAIR NEWS – Pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor penghasil pendapatan negara yang cukup besar. Sayang, pandemi memberikan dampak penurunan pendapatan
UNAIR NEWS – Based on the cluster 1 higher education ranking by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) in
UNAIR NEWS – Berdasarkan pemeringkatan klasterisasi perguruan tinggi oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) tahun 2020, Universitas Airlangga masuk peringkat