Rector appreciates 2019 faculty achievements through awarding
UNAIR NEWS – After holding a sharing motivation at the second-day leadership meeting on Monday, January 27 in Dialoog Hotel. […]
UNAIR NEWS – After holding a sharing motivation at the second-day leadership meeting on Monday, January 27 in Dialoog Hotel. […]
UNAIR NEWS – Usai menyelenggarakan sharing motivation pada rapat kerja pimpinan hari kedua pada Senin (27/1) di Dialoog Hotel, kegiatan
UNAIR NEWS – “Career Development Post Bureaucratic Simplification at State Universities as Legal Entities” was the final discussion in the
UNAIR NEWS – “Pengembangan Karir Pasca Penyederhanaan Birokasi pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum” menjadi bahasan pemungkas dari serangkaian kegiatan
UNAIR NEWS – Recently, there have been emergences of fictitious empires or kingdoms in Indonesia, such as Great Keraton Agung.
UNAIR NEWS – Belakangan gini marak terjadi kemunculan keraton atau kerajaan fiktif di Indonesia, seperti Keraton Agung Sejagat. Menanggapi hal
UNAIR NEWS – FKM UNAIR students helped prevent hypertension in Donan Village with DESI program (Early Detection of Hypertension). The
UNAIR NEWS – Mahasiswa FKM UNAIR ikut bantu mencegah hipertensi di Desa Donan dengan program DESI (Deteksi Dini Hipertensi). Program
UNAIR NEWS – After completing a four-year medical studies, Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Medicine students will take professional education for
UNAIR NEWS – Setelah menempuh sarjana kedokteran selama empat tahun, mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga akan menempuh pendidikan profesi selama