Trending Gig Economy in Indonesia, Brings Blessing or Calamity?
Have we ever calculated how many times we use service provider apps such as online transportation service or online shopping? […]
Have we ever calculated how many times we use service provider apps such as online transportation service or online shopping? […]
UNAIR NEWS – World No Tobacco Day (HTTS) celebrated on May 31, Tobacco Control Support Center (TCSC) Indonesian Public Health
UNAIR NEWS – In millennial era, students are required to have many ideas. Not only those related to the field
Judul : Menyibak Kebenaran Eksaminasi Terhadap Putusan Perkara Irman Gusman Editor : Pitan Daslani Penerbit : Badan Penerbit
UNAIR NEWS – Hari lebaran merupakan momen untuk bersilaturrahmi dengan keluarga dan saudara dekat maupun yang jauh. Biasanya, selalu disajikan
Indonesia was named as a Maritime State in UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) in 1982.
UNAIR NEWS – Burn wounds are health problems marked with skin injury or other tissue damage. Burn wounds are caused