Soal Virus Cacar Monyet, Pakar UNAIR Sebut Jangan Terlalu Khawatir, Tetap Waspada
UNAIR NEWS – Beberapa waktu lalu, publik sempat dikejutkan dengan pemberitaan mengenai wabah cacar monyet (monkeypox) di Singapura. Kabar ini […]
UNAIR NEWS – Beberapa waktu lalu, publik sempat dikejutkan dengan pemberitaan mengenai wabah cacar monyet (monkeypox) di Singapura. Kabar ini […]
UNAIR NEWS – Entering the end of their studies, students should start to seek information about the professional world. A
UNAIR NEWS – The system change from the New Order era to Reformation in the mid-1998, on May was a
UNAIR NEWS – Social Fund Management Center (PUSPAS) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) officially collaborated with Indonesian Zakat Initiative (IZI). The inauguration
UNAIR NEWS – A student must be familiar with Higher Education Tri Dharma. One of the values is community service.
UNAIR NEWS – Memasuki semester akhir, mahasiswa tentu saja sudah mulai mencari tahu perihal dunia kerja. Banyak yang harus dipersiapkan.
UNAIR NEWS – Ramadan is the right moment to share with others. Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Internal Supervisory Board (BPI) holds
UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Library held another Meet the Author event on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at Wiyata Room,
UNAIR NEWS – Airlangga Mobile Robot Soccer (Amuros) Team of Universitas Airlangga will follow national Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) in
UNAIR NEWS – Menjadi seorang mahasiswa pasti tidak asing lagi dengan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Salah satu isi, terdapat pengabdian