May 9, 2019


UKM KSR PMI UNAIR Juara Nasional di UNY

Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Korps Suka Rela Palang Merah Indonesia (KSR PMI) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) berhasil menjuarai dua kategori lomba pada UNY National Competition of Volunteer Skills (UNICOVS) 2019. Kompetisi itu dilaksanakan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta pada Jumat-Minggu (3-5/5/19).

Resensi Buku, Sastra Budaya

Jurus Pamungkas Tegakkan Hukum Lingkungan

Manusia seolah lupa, bahwa alam yang dirusak itu, sejatinya adalah tempat mereka bernaung dan berpulang. Dalam rangka mencegah kerusakan alam yang sudah semakin parah dan merestorasi kerusakan alam yang luar biasa, maka diperlukan upaya hukum yang luar biasa pula. Dari hal tersebut, maka lahirlah strict liability.


UNAIR Follows Up Results of 2019 General Election KKN

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is the first university which conducts 2019 General Elections KKN in Indonesia. It was held from April 15 to May 3, 2019 with 106 students as participants. They were divided into nine groups and sent to areas in the city of Surabaya after accepted by East Java KPU.


Analyzing the Dynamics of Education in Indonesia

History Department of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in collaboration with Selarung Institute held a book review on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 in Siti Parwati Room, FIB UNAIR. The book was titled ” Pendidikan, Kekuasaan, dan Kolonialisme (Education, Power and Collonialism)” written by Dr. Agus Suwignyo, M.A.

Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps (KSR PMI) Universitas Airlangga managed to win two categories of competition at UNY National Competition of Volunteer Skills 2019. The event was held at Yogyakarta State University on Friday-Sunday, May 3-5, 2019.

UNAIR Red Cross Volunteer Corps Win Trophies at UNY

The Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps (KSR PMI)  Universitas Airlangga successfully won in two categories of UNY National Competition of Volunteer Skills (UNICOVS) 2019 competition. The competition was held at State University Yogyakarta on Friday-Sunday, May 3-5, 2019.

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