Diskusikan Problem TB, UNAIR-PDPI Adakan Simposium Internasional INA-TIME

Salah satu hal yang terus menjadi krisis kesehatan masyarakat adalah TB yang resistan. Selain itu, sekitar 1,7 miliar orang, 23 persen dari populasi dunia, diperkirakan memiliki infeksi TB laten dan karenanya berisiko terkena penyakit TB aktif selama masa hidup mereka.

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Komikat Badminton PSDKU Wants to Win More Competition

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Komikat Badminton PSDKU TEAM after their routine exercises. (Photo: Courtesy)

"We want Komikat Badminton of PSDKU to get more scores under the name of UNAIR." That was Wilda Gusfiyanti Aziz’s hope, Head of Badminton PSDKU (Off Main Campus Study Program) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Banyuwangi to UNAIR NEWS last month.

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Komikat Tapak Suci PSDKU Delegation Wins Gold in National Sports Competition

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JUARA: Mardiana Sang Jaya Putri, the gold winner in Tapak Suci National Competition at UNS. (Photo: Courtesy)

In the end of March, Community Delegation of Interest and Talent (Komikat) of Tapak Suci Study Program Outside Main Campus (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Banyuwangi won outstanding competition. This achievement was achieved in Tapak Suci 3rd National Championship between Universities  2019.

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Cindy’s Story as the First Delegation of Cooperation with Universität Hamburg, Germany

Four months is a relatively short time for Cindy when she decided to study in abroad. It was a interesting experience for her but she did not regret to join this program. Moreover, her journey through Winter Semester program at Universität Hamburg in October last yea

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UNAIR Perkuat Kolaborasi Antar Tenaga Medis Melalui International Nursing Conference

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KONFERENSI The 10th International Nursing Conference, Fakultas Keperawatan UNAIR pada Sabtu (6/4/2019). (Foto: Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni)

Fakultas Keperawatan (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) menyelenggarakan The 10th International Nursing Conference (INC)

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Dean of FF UNAIR 1964-1968 Prof. Sutarjadi Passes Away

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Prof. Dr. Mangestuti Agil, MS, Apt. reads the life history of the late professor, Prof. DR. H. M. F. Sutarjadi, Apt. (Photo: Sukma Cindra Pratiwi)

Academics from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), especially Faculty of Pharmacy, felt a great sorrow. One of UNAIR best academics, Prof. DR. H. M. F Sutarjadi, Apt, passed away on Saturday, April 6, 2019, at the age of 89.

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