UNAIR Expert gives investment tips for beginners
UNAIR NEWS – Easy access to information and widespread education on financial and investment planning have attracted many youths to practice
UNAIR NEWS – Easy access to information and widespread education on financial and investment planning have attracted many youths to practice
UNAIR NEWS – At the moment, stock investment is in great demand by the public. A lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Business
UNAIR NEWS – The Covid-19 pandemic and Industrial Revolution 4.0 have brought their own challenges for new graduates and job seekers. The
UNAIR NEWS – Suwaibatul Annisa or known as Ica, UNAIR Veterinary Medicine student class of 2017 managed to be the
UNAIR NEWS –Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UNAIR) Universitas Airlangga lecturer Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE, M.Si explained culinary
UNAIR NEWS – Based on data from the Ministry of Health’s Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018, the incidence of
UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Help Center has been helping all UNAIR academicians in dealing with their problems since it was
UNAIR NEWS – A researcher, including a lecturer, is obliged to publish a scientific paper to publish his findings and research. But
UNAIR NEWS – Lately, there have been quite a lot of campaigns to marry at a young age both on
UNAIR NEWS – For those of you who like to go to the beach, the moment at dusk is the