Experts study purple sweet potato leaf extract as potential active material for sunscreen
UNAIR NEWS – A breakthrough research output produced by Diah Mira Indramaya dr., Sp.KK. and team. She studied “Purple Sweet
UNAIR NEWS – A breakthrough research output produced by Diah Mira Indramaya dr., Sp.KK. and team. She studied “Purple Sweet
UNAIR NEWS – “This research detects subclinical leprosy by examining capillary blood sample of fingertip on filter paper because it
UNAIR NEWS- In the world of health, dentigerous cysts are pathological cysts consisting of semi-liquid material or gas and surrounded
UNAIR NEWS – Galih Sampoerno drg., M. Kes., Sp.KG., in his research on post extirpated dental pulp tissue confirmed that
UNAIR NEWS – Infection caused by hepatitis C virus is still a big concern in the world. In Indonesia, there
UNAIR NEWS – Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of abnormal cells and it can damage normal cells
UNAIR NEWS – The Indonesian government has launched an immunization program as a compulsory program for children under five years
UNAIR NEWS – Iron deficiency or anemia in pregnant women is a major nutritional problem in the world. According to
UNAIR NEWS – Antiplatelets are a class of drugs used as blood thinners. These drugs are often used by people
UNAIR NEWS – The elderly population continues to grow, including in Indonesia. In the national context, National Law number 13