Promotion of male contraception participation in DTPK and poor urban areas

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Male contraceptive's illustration. (Source: SehatQ)

Low male participation in contraception The participation of men to use contraception in Indonesia is still very low, as men who use Male Medical Surgery (MOP) method are only 0.2%…

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Promosi Partisipasi Pria Dalam Ber-KB di DTPK dan Daerah Miskin Perkotaan

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Ilustrasi KB Pria. (Sumber: SehatQ)

Rendahnya Partisipasi Pria dalam Ber KB Partisipasi pria dalam ber KB di Indoenesia masih sangat rendah, dimana pria yang menggunakan metode Medis Operasi Pria (MOP) hanya 0,2% sedangkan penggunaan kondom…

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Layanan Bedah Saraf di Pusat Covid-19 Indonesia: Pengalaman di Rumah Sakit Akademik Rujukan

Read more about the article Layanan Bedah Saraf di Pusat Covid-19 Indonesia: Pengalaman di Rumah Sakit Akademik Rujukan
Ilustrasi dokter bedah saraf. (Sumber: Alodokter)

Pandemi COVID-19 masih terus melaju dengan kecepatan yang belum menunjukkan perlambatan. Upaya telah banyak dilakukan dengan berbagai cara mulai dengan yang paling sederhana seperti mencuci tangan, memakai masker, hingga penemuan…

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Neurosurgical service at epicenter of Indonesian Covid-19: Experience in a referral teaching hospital

Read more about the article Neurosurgical service at epicenter of Indonesian Covid-19: Experience in a referral teaching hospital
Neurosurgeon illustration. (Source: Alodokter)

The COVID-19 pandemic advances at a steady pace and does not seem to slow down. Efforts have been made in various ways, from the simplest, such as washing hands, wearing…

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