63rd KKN-BBM sending off ceremony, Rector: KKN is implementation of UNAIR’s strategy for Sustainable Education

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Prof. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA delivers remarks at the sending off ceremony of 63rd BBM KKN students (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a sending off ceremony for 2,148 participants of 63rd Community Service Program (KKN) Learning with Community (BBM) on Sunday, January 17, 2021. The ceremony was…

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Bantu Tangani Gempa Sulawesi Barat, UNAIR Kirim Tim Aju I dan Kapal Rumah Sakit Terapung (RSTKA)

Read more about the article Bantu Tangani Gempa Sulawesi Barat, UNAIR Kirim Tim Aju I dan Kapal Rumah Sakit Terapung (RSTKA)
Kapal Rumah Sakit Terapung Ksatria Airlangga (RSTKA) saat berlabuh ke pulau-pulau terpencil Indonesia. (Foto: Humas UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS – Dua gempa berkekuatan cukup besar mengguncang daerah Mamuju dan Majene, Sulawesi Barat, dalam dua hari secara berturut-turut. Gempa pertama terjadi pada Kamis (14/1/2021) pukul 14.45 WITA dengan…

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West Sulawesi earthquake relief, UNAIR sends AJU I Team and Floating Hospital (RSTKA)

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Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital (RSTKA) anchored in a remote Indonesian island. (Photo: Public Relations UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS - Two big earthquakes hit Mamuju and Majene areas, West Sulawesi, for two consecutive days. The first earthquake occurred on Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 14.45 Central Indonesian…

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Atasi Masalah di Dunia Keperawatan, Dosen UNAIR Ciptakan Aplikasi “Pasar Kerja Perawat”

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Ilustrasi oleh pasarkerjaperawat.com

UNAIR NEWS - Perawat merupakan tulang punggung sistem layanan kesehatan, apalagi di tengah pandemi COVID-19 seperti sekarang. Kebutuhan terhadap tenaga keperawatan seolah tidak pernah cukup. Itulah mengapa rumah sakit dan…

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To address a problem in Nursing field, UNAIR Lecturer creates job market app

Read more about the article To address a problem in Nursing field, UNAIR Lecturer creates job market app
Illustration by pasarkerjaperawat.com

UNAIR NEWS - Nurses are the backbone of healthcare service system, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The need for nursing staff seems never enough. That is why hospitals and other…

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Pakar Imunologi: Kita Masih Harus Pakai Masker Setidaknya 4 Tahun Lagi

Read more about the article Pakar Imunologi: Kita Masih Harus Pakai Masker Setidaknya 4 Tahun Lagi
DOSEN Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga sekaligus dokter RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya Dr. Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo dr., M.Si. (Foto: dok. pribadi)

UNAIR NEWS - Harapan kita untuk melepas masker pada tahun 2021 tampaknya masih mustahil. Meski sejak Rabu (13/1/2021) kemarin program vaksinasi nasional telah mulai dijalankan, ternyata hal itu tidak lantas melenyapkan Covid-19…

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Immunology expert: We still have to wear masks at least for 4 more years

Read more about the article Immunology expert: We still have to wear masks at least for 4 more years
LECTURER of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) as well as Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Dr. Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo dr., M.Si. (Photo: Personal document)

UNAIR NEWS - Our expectation to remove masks by  2021  seems impossible. Although since Wednesday, January 13, 2021, the national vaccination program has started, it turns out that it does not immediately eliminate Covid-19.…

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Jadikan Umbi Suweg Bahan Sereal, 3 Mahasiswa UNAIR Raih Juara I Kompetisi Nasional

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ILUSTRASI Sereal Suweg Tuber beserta Komposisi Kandungannya. (Foto: Tim)

UNAIR NEWS – Sampai sekarang potensi lokal di Indonesia belum diolah secara optimal oleh masyarakat. Dibutuhkan peran mahasiswa dalam membantu masyarakat mengoptimalkan potensi yang berpeluang untuk memajukan ekonomi masyarakat. Tim…

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Using Suweg tubers as cereal ingredient, three UNAIR students win First Place in national competition

Read more about the article Using Suweg tubers as cereal ingredient, three UNAIR students win First Place in national competition
ILLUSTRATION of Suweg tuber cereal and its ingredients. (Photo: team documentation)

UNAIR NEWS - Until now, local potentials in Indonesia have not been optimally cultivated by the community. Roles of students in helping society optimizing the potentials to advance the community's economy are…

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