Profesor Edith Cowan University Kunjungi Departemen Komunikasi UNAIR

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Prof. Panizza Allmark dari Edith Cowan University Australia melakukan kunjungan di Departemen Komunikasi FISIP UNAIR. (Foto: Istimewa)

Departemen Komunikasi FISIP UNAIR menerima kegiatan visiting profesor oleh Prof. Panizza Allmark dari Edith Cowan University, Australia, sejak Rabu (17/10) hingga Sabtu (27/10). Selama di UNAIR, Prof. Panizza akan mengajar mahasiswa S1-S3 yang memiliki minat kajian media komunikasi.

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FEB Students Win National Business Competition

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Siti Novita with Mohammad Firda Ari Sanjaya and Abdurrahman Aziz win second place at National Business Plan Competition in Sriwijaya University. (Private Doc.)

Three students from Universitas Airlangga have just made a national achievement. They are Mohammad Firda Ari sanjaya, Abdurrahman Aziz, and Siti Novita. They are students of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR.

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UNAIR PUSPAS Builds Houses for Casualties of Lombok Earthquake

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Head of UNAIR PUSPAS Dr. Tika Widiastuti, SE., M.Si., (third from the right) with Norma, staff of Al Azhar Zakat Institute (second from the left) establish collaboration of earthquake in Lombok. (Private Doc.)

As a form of concern for natural disasters, the Center for Management of Social Funds (PUSPAS)  Universitas Airlangga and Al Azhar Ummah Care Institute or known as Al Azhar Zakat Institute is collaborating to build Livable Health House (Rusli) intended for casualties.

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BEM FKM Removes Students’ Doubt to be Entrepreneurs

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SARAH Keihl shares tips on being a successful businessman. (Photo: By courtesy)

Ministry of Fund and Business 2018 FKM BEM accommodated the interest of students by holding an Entrepreneurship Festival 2018 (E-Fest) Seminar entitled " Light Up Your Entrepreneurship Soul " on Thursday, October 18 in Kahuripan Hall, Level 3, Campus C UNAIR.

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Education on Rupiah through GenBI Teaches for Pandawa Learning Home

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GenBI team in action. (Photo: By courtesy)

Lack of youth attention in education for marginal groups inspired members of GenBI UNAIR (New Generation of Indonesia Universitas Airlangga  Commissariat) to hold GenBI Teaches activity on Saturday, October 20 2018.

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BEM FKM Berikan Jawaban Keraguan Mahasiswa untuk Jadi Enterpreneur

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SARAH Keihl bagikan tips menjadi pebisnis sukses. (Foto: Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS – Dewasa ini banyak sekali masyarakat yang mulai mencoba dunia bisnis sebagai pekerjaan sampingan. Bisnis dapat dilakukan oleh semua kalangan termasuk mahasiswa. Bahkan jika ditanya, rata-rata mahasiswa memilih…

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FKM Students Visit Gold Mine in Banyuwangi to Learn Occupational Health and Safety

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Officers from PT BSI explain the controls in the event of a hazard. (Photo: By courtesy)

To deepen the practice gained during lectures, 15 students in Occupational Health and Safety (K3) PSDKU Public Health Program at Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi visited PT Bumi Suksesindo, Wednesday, October 17.

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PSDKU Fisheries and Public Health Collaborate for COSFET Program

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STUDENTS of SDN 2 Karangrejo-Banyuwangi with Fisheries and Public Health students at PSDKU UNAIR. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

COSFET (Coastal School for Environmental Health) is a joint work program between Aquaculture Student Association (HMPB) and Banyuwangi Public Health Association (B-PHA), student associations of Faculty of Public Health.

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Perdalam Ilmu K3 Mahasiswa FKM Kunjungi Tambang Emas Di Banyuwangi

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Petugas dari PT BSI menjelaskan pengendalian apabila terjadi bahaya. (Foto: Istimewa)

Memperdalam praktik ilmu yang didapat selama di bangku perkuliahan, sebanyak 15 mahasiswa peminatan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat PSDKU Universitas Airlangga di Banyuwangi berkunjung ke PT Bumi Suksesindo, Rabu (17/10).

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