New Age of Academic Health System, UNAIR Evaluates and Formulates Program

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UNAIR Vice Rector IV Junaidi Khotib, M. Kes, PhD, Apt speaks in a workshop in 10 November Room, 3rd floor, Hotel Santika, Thursday, December 13. (Photo: Tunjung Senja Widuri)

UNAIR formulated a strategic plan compiled in four pillars, including academic excellence, research excellence, community services excellence, and university holding excellence.

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KPK Cooperates with UNAIR to Hold Discussion on Reducing Corruption

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Public discussion on prevention of corruption in political sector, held at Amerta Hall Universitas Airlangga on Thursday, December 13. (Photo: Galuh Mega Kurnia)

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Universitas Airlangga to hold a public discussion on preventing corruption in political sector. 

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RS UNAIR Resmikan Layanan Kecantikan

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Arumi Bachsin (kanan) bersama Prof Puruhito (rektor UNAIR 2001-2006) saat berada di Airlangga Aesthetic Center, Rabu (12/12). (Dok. Panitia)

Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga meresmikan layanan baru Airlangga Aesthetic Center pada Rabu (12/12). Peresmian Airlangga Aesthetic Center ini menjadi salah satu bentuk pelayanan untuk masyarakat berkaitan dengan estetika atau kecantikan.

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UNAIR Rector Co-Chairs Meeting Between Western Australia and East Java

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE., MT, Ak., CMA., (second from the right) as Co-Chair at Sister State Joint Working Group Meeting of Western Australia-East Java in Perth on Monday (10/12). (Photo: By courtesy)

Universitas Airlangga continues to establish international collaboration and cooperation with the best universities, as well as governments in in Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Australia. One of them was between UNAIR with East Java government and Western Australia in early December 2018.

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Rektor UNAIR Jadi Co-Chair Rapat Kerja Sama Australia Barat-Jawa Timur

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REKTOR UNAIR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE., M.T., Ak., CMA., (dua dari kanan) hadir sebagai Co-Chair dalam Rapat JWG (Joint Working Group) Sister State Australia Barat-Jawa Timur di Perth pada Senin (10/12). (Foto: Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga terus mendorong kolaborasi dan kerja sama lintas negara dengan universitas-universitas terbaik, juga pihak pemerintah, di dunia. Baik dengan kawasan, Asia, Eropa, Timur Tengah, maupun kawasan…

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Questioning Human Rights Violations by Corporations through Business and Human Rights Advocacy Workshop

Two civil society organizations that encourage respect for law and human rights in Indonesia, Tifa Foundation and Elsam (Institute for Community Studies and Advocacy), have just held a Business and Human Rights Advocacy Workshop

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Menyoal Pelanggaran HAM oleh Korporasi dalam Workshop Advokasi Bisnis dan HAM

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Iman Prihandono, Ph.D (tengah) usai menjadi pembicara pada Workshop Advokasi Bisnis dan HAM di Jakarta. (Foto: Istimewa)

Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan sebagai upaya menyusun strategi advokasi oleh kelompok masyarakat sipil di Indonesia dalam isu bisnis dan HAM.

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Rayakan Ulang Tahun, FIB UNAIR Adakan Senam dan Jalan Sehat

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Sambil Meliuk, Peserta tampak asikmenirukan instruktur senam diUlang Tahun FIB UNAIR ke-20 pada Minggu pagi (09/12) (Foto: Aziz Bilbargoya).

Dia bertukas, kegiatan tersebut sempat tertunda, lantaran kesibukan civitas akademika FIB pada gelaran Dies Natalies UNAIR ke-64 beberapa waktu lalu.

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