BEM FIB Holds Community Service in Jombang

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Winarsono, Head of Desa Cupak (Biru) and Yunaz Ali Akbar Karaman (Merah) Dialogue during Opening of Village and Village Partners (Deputra) BEM FIB UNAIR (Athallah Aksa Yudistira). (Photo: Courtesy)

In order to hold a farawell event, Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a community service for a week in Cupak Village, Ngiksi District, Jombang Regency (December 17-24).

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Akhiri kepengurusan, BEM FIB Selenggarakan Pengmas Sepekan di Jombang

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Winarsono Kepala Desa Cupak (Biru) dan Yunaz Ali Akbar Karaman (Merah) Sedang Berdialog dalam acara Pembukaan Desa dan Kampung Mitra (Deputra) BEM FIB UNAIR (Athallah Aksa Yudistira). (Foto: Istimewa)

Pengabdian sepekan yang dinamai Desa dan Kampung Mitra (Deputra) tersebut merupakan main project (program kerja) tahun pertama dari BEM FIB UNAIR berupa pemberdayaan masyarakat desa.

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Jamin Keselamatan Kerja, UNAIR Beri Kartu Kepesertaan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Bagi Pegawai

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Direktur SDM UNAIR Dr. Purnawan Basundoro saat serah terima secara simbolik kartu BPJS. (Foto: Istimewa)

Hal tersebut bertujuan supaya para staf pekerja maupun tenaga pendidikan dapat bertugas dengan tenang tanpa perlu lagimemikirkan resiko yang terjadi saat sedang bekerja.

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739 PKM Proposals Pass Internal Selection Phase

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Dr. Bimo Aksono during the briefing to the PKM teams. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR preparations towards National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2019 have been started. After conducting an internal selection for Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposals from all five categories, 739 proposals qualified for the phase.

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Ensuring Work Safety, UNAIR Gives BPJS Employment Cards to Employees

Read more about the article Ensuring Work Safety, UNAIR Gives BPJS Employment Cards to Employees

To guarantee the safety and health of workers, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a dissemination event to hand over Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) Employment cards to temporary employees (PTT) on Friday, December 21.

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