The Role of Press in Promoting Legislative Candidates

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Political Communication UNAIR Expert Dr. Suko Widodo while delivering the presentation. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

The press has important role in providing information to public. Regarding this matter, several experts gathered at Universitas Airlangga on Tuesday, 15 January with the theme of "Welcoming Democratic Party with Dignity."

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UPT Layanan Kesehatan ITB Lakukan Studi Banding ke PLK UNAIR

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Studi banding dari UPT Layanan Kesehatan ITB ke PLK UNAIR. (Dok. Pribadi)

Klinik Institut Teknologi Bandung yang belum bekerjasama dengan BPJS, ingin melakukan kunjungan studi banding ke universitas yang sudah bekerjasama dengan BPJS. Melihat kemajuan PLK UNAIR dalam mengelola layanan BPJS Kesehatan, UPT Layanan Kesehatan ITB sepakat melakukan studi banding ke UNAIR pada Sabtu (12/01)

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Ministry of Health Encourages UNAIR to Open S1 Traditional Medicine

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Dr. dr. Ina Rosalina Dadan, Sp.A (K), M.Kes, M.H.Kes Director of Traditional Healthcare of Ministry of Health during a visit to UNAIR in order to encourage UNAIR to establish a program for Traditional Medicine Profession. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

Indonesian Ministry of Health encourages opening of Traditional Medicine S1 program at Universitas Airlangga. This encouragement was from the real needs of the community on different kind of health services.

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Airlangga Knight Team Ready to Help Sunda Strait Tsunami Victims Recovery

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Airlangga Knight Volunteers Team for Sunda Strait Tsunami Victims shortly after being released by Rector and UNAIR Leaders. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

Dozens of students from Universitas Airlangga consists of Mahagana, BEM, and several voluntary students were ready to help the recovery process of Sunda Strait tsunami victim. Before going to the location, dozens of teams were released directly by Rector UNAIR Prof. Nasih along with other UNAIR leaders.

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Kemenkes Dorong UNAIR Buka S1 Pengobatan Tradisional

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Dr. dr. Ina Rosalina Dadan, Sp.A(K), M.Kes, M.H.Kes Direktur Pelayanan Kesehatan Tradisioanal Kemenkes saat berkunjung ke UNAIR dalam rangka mendorong UNAIR mendirikan prodi S1 Profesi Kesehatan Tradisional. (Foto: Agus Irwanto)

Kementerian Kesehatan RI mendorong dibukanya program studi S1 Profesi Kesehatan Tradisional di Universitas Airlangga. Keinginan Kemenkes ini mengingat kebutuhan riil di masyarakat terkait pelayanan kesehatan dengan cara yang berbeda.

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Tim Ksatria Airlangga Siap Bantu Pemulihan Korban Bencana Tsunami Selat Sunda

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Tim Relawan Ksatria Airlangga untuk Korban Bencana Tsunami Selat Sunda sesaat setelah dilepas Rektor dan Jajaran Pimpinan UNAIR. (Foto: Nuri Hermawan)

Dalam sambutan pelepasan tim relawan, Prof. Nasih mengatakan bahwa selama melakukan kegiatan di lapangan jiwa pengabdian harus dioptimalkan. Selain itu, seluruh tim juga diimbau agar tetap berpegang teguh pada nama baik almamater selama melakukan pengabdian.

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12 Airlangga Knights Hold KKN Back to Village in Toraja

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12 Airlangga Knights in KKN Back to Village in Toraja. (Photo: By courtesy)

This time, in 59th KKN activity, twelve students consist of 5 students from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 4 students from Faculty of Public Health, 2 students from Faculty of Medicine, and 1 student from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences under the guidance of Dr. Abdul Samik., Mkes., drh., collaborated to hold KKN Back to Village program in Palangi Village, Balusu Sub-district, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province.

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