FKH UNAIR Hosts AJIVE Symposium

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Prof. Koichi Sato explains about Yamaguchi University’s veterinary education and research. (Photo: Zana Afia D)

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an international symposium, " 3rd International Symposium of Veterinary Education" . The event organized by Association of Japan-Indonesia Veterinary Education (AJIVE) was held on Friday, Feb. 8 in Tandjung Adiwinata Room, FKH UNAIR. This year, UNAIR is hosting the third AJIVE symposium, after previously being held at Gadjah Mada University.

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KM PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi Launches Laros NewsLet

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Head of Banyuwangi KM PSDKU 2019, Bondan Sigit (right) with Head of Information and Public Relation Department PSDKU, Bastian Ragas at Laros Newslet launching event. (Photo: Courtesy)

In order to provide accurate information in PSDKU academics of Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi, Department of Information and Public Relations of PSDKU Students launched a new program called Laros NewsLet.

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Rector Inaugurates 682 Postgraduate Students for Even Semester 2018/2019 Academic Year

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Inauguration of Postgraduate Students at Garuda Mukti Hall. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

The inauguration process is an important moment for students of Universitas Airlangga. It is the one of the first steps for new students to start their studies at university. At Garuda Mukti Hall Campus C UNAIR on Thursday, Feb. 7, UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih inaugurated 682 postgraduate students.

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Peringati HPN, TVRI, dan UNAIR Komitmen Majukan UMKM

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DARI KIRI: Ketua Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) Pusat Yuliandre Darwis, dosen sekaligus pengamat media Dr. Yayan Sakti Suryandaru, dan Rektor UNAIR Prof Moh Nasih saat berdiskusi tentang peran media untuk memajukan UMKM, di Aula Garuda Mukti, Kamis (7/1). (Foto: Agus Irwanto)

Talkshow interaktif itu membahas mengenai peran media dalam mengembangkan perekonomian Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Bak gayung disambut, Rektor UNAIR menyambut baik media, dalam hal ini TVRI, sebagai media milik publik yang memiliki tanggungjawab melakukan edukasi, salah satunya perihal UMKM.

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Postgraduate Students Must Be Able To Follow Changes in Industrial Revolution 4.0

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UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA, DVM., during speech. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

"Postgraduate Program Education at Universitas Airlangga Towards 500 World Class University and Welcoming Industrial Revolution 4.0" was the title of the oration delivered by Director of Academic Affairs at Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA, DVM.

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The Importance of Hospital Accreditation and Healthcare BPJS for Health Development in Indonesia

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Dr. Setya Haksama, drg., M.Kes (Photo: Galuh Mega Kurnia)

In early January 2019, the media reported that there were many hospitals that stopped serving Healthcare BPJS participants or stopped collaborating with Healthcare BPJS. It happened because of the new regulation by Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) that hospitals collaborating with Healthcare BPJS must be accredited first.

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Mahasiswa Baru Pascasarjana Harus Mampu Ikuti Perubahan Revolusi Industri 4.0

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Direktur Pendidikan UNAIR Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA, DVM., saat menyampaikan orasi pengukuhan. (Foto: Agus Irwanto)

Bertempat di Aula Garuda Mukti Kampus C UNAIR, dihadapan para pimpinan dan ratusan mahasiswa baru pascasrjana yang hadir, dalam orasi pembuka, Prof. Bambang mengatakan bahwa misi UNAIR menjadi 500 dunia versi QS pada tahun 2020 merupakan amanah dari Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan tinggi.

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Hospitality Management Students Improving Their Skills at Hotel Holiday Inn

Students from Hospitality Management Study Program Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga attended housekeeping practicum at Hotel Holiday Inn on Friday, November 30 2018. The practicum was a part in increasing hard skills of UNAIR Hospitality Management students.

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