Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery conducts intensive clinical research

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A team from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery during a cleft lip and oral surgery (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS- Oral and Maxillofacial medical specialist is the only study program in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BMM) of the Faculty of Dental Medicine UNAIR.

Aries Muharram drg., M. Kes., Sp.BMM (K), as the head of the department stated that his department is leading due to some reasons. The department has two professors, Prof. RM Coen Pramono D., drg., SU., Sp. BM (K) and Prof. David B. Kamadjaja, drg., MDS., Sp. BM (K). This department also has a combined degree program that combines the study program of oral surgery specialist and master of clinical medicine. 

“The department also has a wide variety of partnerships with the domestic and foreign hospitals,” he explained.

Furthermore, drg. Aries also said that two lecturers are selected to be a PhD candidate from the University of Kagoshima, Fredy Mardiyantoro, drg., Sp.BM. and Ellisa Chairani, drg., Sp.BM. There are also some lecturers with a wide range of experience of research, public service, and academic publication in reputable national, and international journals.

“Such as Prof. David with 14 research experience, 17 public services, and 6 academic publication,” he explained.

In the field of research, drg. Anies stated that the BMM department is focusing on tissue engineering and reconstruction in the maxillofacial area. The research is also emphasized in basic research on wound healing intervention with natural ingredients and clinical research meant to develop and enhance the quality of service in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

“Not only that, there are some lecturers who are currently doing research on artificial bone. I am currently focused on research in anti-infection, and other lecturers conduct intensive research in stem cell,” added drg. Aries.

Active in research, the lecturers in the department also regularly conduct a community service program realized in the form of social service of cleft lip and mouth. Social service, which was started in 2008, is cooperation held with PHC hospital surabaya, and the Smile Train International Organization as a sponsor in the community service held throughout Indonesia.

“A lot of patients coming from Sumatra and Papua to have a cleft lip, and that abnormality we operate is often called a ‘harelip’ by the public,” explained drg. Anies

The department of BMM also has a lot of reputable alumni, such as Nining Dwi Suti Ismawati, drg., Sp.BM (K) as the Head of Integrated Surgical Center (GBPT) oF Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, and Major Ckm drg. Nugroho Setyawan, Sp. BM., C. med., CHCM., FICS., CP. NLP. as the Head of Supporting Hospital (Rumkitban) TNI AD (Indonesian Army) 050802 Malang.

In the future, the department will face a challenge of high demand in Sp.BM dental specialist in Indonesia. According to the government regulation (Permendikti no. 44 tahun 2015) about the higher education national standards, the length of study for a specialist education is four years. Another challenge the department will face is the change of basic surgeon curriculum, where in this phase of education, the government is trying to equate the competency achievement for all graduate of the basic surgeon study program. So there is a need to redesign the curriculum this year, and it will be implemented the earliest in 2021.

“There is a need to redesign the curriculum, that will be done this year, so it can be implemented the earliest in 2021,” concluded drg. Aries.

Author: Adelya Salsabila Putri

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia 

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