Three UNAIR FKM students won First Place at PMKM 2021 Scientific Writing Competition

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Three FKM students win First Place at LKTI PMKM 2021

UNAIR NEWS – Three students from Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Vina Himmatus Sholikhah, Trisna Nurya Majid, and Muhammad Rizky Widodo succeeded in winning First Place in 2021 Public Health Student Union (PMKM) Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI).

In the competition held by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES) Surya Global Yogyakarta, Vina, Trisna, and Kiki proposed an idea of creating an app called SEKAR (Augmented Reality based Occupational Safety and Health Education System). Vina then explained that the augmented reality feature could show the user a video on safety procedure on how to enter a laboratory or a workshop.

In addition to the augmented reality feature, Vina also explained that the app has another supporting feature called “K3 challenges”. Every day the app user has to do these challenges, and if the user has completed all the levels, they may convert their accumulated points to e-money. This app is intended for vocational high school (SMK) students, so they understand and implement Occupational Safety and Health (K3) as a work culture.

“We chose SMK students as the intended users for this app, so they may be ready for work after their education has been completed. And, they are also required to have the K3 culture to reduce work-related accidents,” said Vina as the team leader.

Before the competition, Vina said, they had to make preparation through brainstorming and developing the proposal. But, after Vina and the team got into the finals, they had to prepare and practice for the presentation session.

“The team and I are pleased and grateful because we won the First Place,” Vina said on Wednesday, June 16, 2021.

In the future, Vina and the team hoped that they could participate in other competition and become one of winners. Vina also hoped that their idea could bring benefit to anyone around her and also Indonesia.

“While being a student, try new things as much as possible because the things we do will impact our lives later on. When we tried but failed, we don’t have to feel ashamed for it as our failure may push us to be even better” Vina’s encouragement to other students. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia (AC/AP)

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