Collaborating with UNS, UNAIR holds Fourth Indonesia Heritage event

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The presentation on the first day of In-Herit on Monday, May 24, 2021. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in collaboration with Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) held the fourth online Indonesia Heritage (In-Herit) event. It was held for seven days from Monday-Wednesday (24/05/21-02/06/21), four days at UNAIR and three days at UNS.

In-Herit is a culture-based international program. There were 56 participants from 15 countries from Asia, Europe and Africa, including Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Thailand, Yemen, India, Taiwan, Australia, Ecuador and others.

The issues raised for this year’s In-Herit are related to health science from the perspective of traditional Indonesian medicine. With this event, the participants can learn about how traditional medicine contributes to health in Indonesia.

“The participants are expected to know and gain new insights about various traditional Indonesian medicines including massage, herbal medicine, traditional food and body scrubs,” said Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’aruf, drh., M.Kes. as the Dean of Faculty of Vocational Studies in his speech.

On the first day of the event, participants were introduced to traditional medicine in Indonesia through a presentation by Maya Septriana S.Si., Apt., M.Si. In addition, participants also received material related to the background of traditional medicine in Asia by Ratna Wahyuni, S.Si., M.Kes., Ph.D. during a focus group discussions (FGD).

“According to WHO, traditional health and complementary medicine consist of two types, namely Medication (medicinal plants, mineral materials, animal materials) and non-Medication such as acupuncture, manual therapist (massage), qigong, taiji, yoga, physical, mental, spiritual. and mind-body therapies,” explained Maya on Monday, May 24, 2021.

On the second day, the participants had a public lecture on the introduction of basic massage explained by Edith Frederika Puruhito, S.KM., MSc (MedSci), and there were basic massage exercises by Ario Imandiri, dr., Sp.Ak . Then continued with the introduction of traditional massage by Myrna Adianti, S.Si., M.Kes., Ph.D. and the practice of traditional massage (Javanese massage) by Maya Septriana, S.Si., Apt., M.Si.

Meanwhile, on the third day, participants gained insights on Indonesian traditional medicine (Jamu) by Rini Hamsidi, S.Farm., M.Farm., Apt. and introduction to traditional Indonesian food by Edith Frederika Puruhito, S.KM., MSc (MedSci).

On the last day, there were presentations on the introduction of Javanese scrubs by Rini Hamsidi, S.Farm., M.Farm., Apt., steps to use Javanese scrubs by Edith Frederika Puruhito, S.KM., MSc (MedSci) , Javanese scrub practice by Dwi Setiani Sumardiko, S.Kep., Ns., M.Si and closed with an FGD on the introduction of traditional medicine from various countries. (*)

Author: Rahma Putri & Adiba Rahmanisa

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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