Vice-Governor of East Java encourages vocational student increase

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Vice- Governor of East Java Emil Dardak (third from the left); Dean of the Faculty of Vocational Studies UNAIR Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’ruf, M.Kes., drh (second from the left); UNAIR Vice-Rector for Academic, Student and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, Drh., DEA (third from the right) in Faculty of Vocational Studies Meet and Greet event with industry and business parties, June 4, 2021. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Vice-Governor of East, Java Emil Dardak, through the Director General of Vocational Studies, has encouraged an increase in the number of Vocational students. The three-year vocational programs (Diploma III) in the future will be transformed into four-year vocational programs (Diploma IV) or Applied Bachelor’s program. It was conveyed in the Meet and Greet of the Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) UNAIR together with several industries and the business parties on Friday, June 4, 2021, at Hotel Santika, Surabaya.

The Governor is currently trying to improve human resources and the Gross Participation Rate (APK), which is still low. The Dean of FV UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’ruf, M.Kes., drh, said that the goals of FV UNAIR and the Governor’s program are in line.

“It can be improved soon through Vocational Education. So, the Vice-Governor yesterday presented very clearly how the development of human resources in East Java is supported by Vocational programs,” said Prof Anwar to UNAIR News Team on Sunday, June 5, 2021.

According to the Vice-Governor, human resource development is currently very much needed, as the program launched by President Jokowi increasing quality human resources.

For this reason, FV UNAIR also continues to make various efforts in producing skilled and quality graduates. One of them is by expanding the network of partnerships.

On the same occasion, FV signed an MoU of collaboration with 30 industries and business parties. Two of them are PT INKA (Persero) and Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) KC Universitas Airlangga.

Prof. Anwar explained that later, BSI will provide internship opportunities for UNAIR Vocational students for one or two semesters.

“This two-semester program also accommodates the Freedom of Learning program Independent Campus. After finishing the Vocational programs, graduates can immediately work in various places, including maybe directly hired by BSI,” he explained.

Furthermore, his party is also opening up the opportunity of a scholarship program from BSI. Meanwhile, with PT Inka, Prof Anwar said that the MoU had been carried out. Next Wednesday, his party will go to Madiun to follow up on the agreement.

“If we cooperate with industry and the work sector, we know what kind of human resources they want, which we then prepare in the curriculum. Then, we prepare one of them through various practical activities in industry and the work sector. So in the future, vocational graduates will automatically match what Dudi (business and industrial parties) need,” he added.

Prof. Anwar hoped that FV UNAIR could create alumni who are ready to work skillfully. It means they are prepared to work without having to go through more training.

“We want vocational graduates to find jobs in no more than three months. Because vocational education tries to provide skills as expected by the industry and work sector,” he hoped. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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