Towards Top 300 WCU, FIB disseminates the Fast Track program

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Presentation by Mochtar Luthfi S.S., M.Hum., on requirements of fast track program. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS – The pandemic does not affect Universitas Airlangga’s efforts to pursue the target of achieving Top 300 World Class University rankings. Through a virtual meeting zoom, the Faculty of Humanities (FIB) held dissemination for its fast track program on Thursday, May 20, 2021.

The fast track program is an undergraduate and postgraduate study program that can be completed in shorter time, which is in 5 years. This flagship program is initiated by FIB UNAIR and can be taken by all students in the four fields at FIB who meet the qualification requirements.

Mochtar Luthfi, SS, M.Hum as the coordinating staff the Faculty of Humanities said that the fast track program can be taken by undergraduate students in the fifth semester with 110 course credits.

Furthermore, he continued, FIB students who can take part in this fast track must have ELPT score above 475, proven by a certificate from the language center. In addition, there are other requirements that must be met, including completion of community service program (KKN BM) and having drafted a thesis proposal.

“Due to the pandemic in 2020, two students should have failed to continue this flagship program. But there was an appeal from the Rector regarding an extension of the semester so these two students could graduate with fast track status, “said Mochtar.

On that occasion, Mochtar also revealed that there are several specific requirements for participants of this program.

“Students who do not meet the above requirements will be canceled from participating in the fast track program and allowed to continue the regular master program. For those who fall into the no.1 category and do not continue the regular master program, the fees been paid cannot be withdrawn, “he said.

At the event attended by nearly 130 students, Dr. Listiyono Santoso SS, M.Hum., as Vice Dean I of Faculty of Humanities, revealed that this opportunity should be used as well as possible by all FIB students who meet the requirements.

“The fast track program must be responded positively by FIB students,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Dimas Bagus Aditya

Editor  : Nuri Hermawan

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