UNAIR NEWS – Being one of the departments with many international research collaborations in the Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga (FST UNAIR), the Department of Mathematics always supports research in the IT (Information Technology) field. The department which has produced many research publications oversees three undergraduate study programs, Mathematics, Statistics, and Information Systems.
Dr. Herry Suprajitno, S.Si, M.Si., as the Head of the Department of Mathematics said that the department is conducting research collaborations with several foreign universities, such as with the University of York UK, City University of Science & Information Technology (CUSIT) Pakistan, University of Peshawar Pakistan, University of Johannesburg South Africa, and Tokyo Metropolitan University from Hachioji, Japan.
“Furthermore, the Department of Mathematics, represented by the Information Systems Undergraduate Study Program since 2019, has collaborated with MSU (Management & Science University) Malaysia in the fields of education and community service, and will establish a double degree program. Another collaboration is with Asia University, Taiwan, by sending students in exchange activities,” the Mathematics lecturer added on Thursday, May 20, 2021.
Herry said, the Department of Mathematics has produced graduates as entrepreneurs or young entrepreneurs in the Information Technology field, as well as statistical data consultants and analysts. Furthermore, the Mathematics Department also encourages students to get professional certifications through UNAIR Professional Certification Institute (LSP).
It is evidenced by the large number of alumni with excellent career in the IT field, both nationally and internationally, including Gogor Wasseso, owner at Kenkai Corporation PT Fortune Star Indonesia, Rosereve Profons Indonesia, SGS Indonesia; M. Fairuzzuddin Z, owner of Markaswalet.com, a website that helps swifts farmers to connect with nest exporters; Mahenda Abdillah Kamil who worked at PT. Hita Multi Gemilang General Trading for the procurement of goods and services in government and private agencies (Commissioner), and Audrey Maximilian Herli, CEO and Co-founder of start-up Riliv, an online-based meditation and counseling application.
Herry also said that apart from the existence of a research group, the Mathematics Department manages two journals that are published regularly twice a year, the Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence (JISEBI) which has been accredited by SINTA 2 and the journal Contemporary Mathematics and Applications ( ConMathA) indexed by Garuda, which this year is in the process of being indexed by Sinta 3.
“We also have some assisted villages. This activity has been carried out in Jember, Mojokerto, Tuban, Sidoarjo and Surabaya. Meanwhile, there are two villages or community groups that have been targeted by the Department of Mathematics community service, Kepetingan Village Sidoarjo and the area around Sine Beach, Tulungagung. The main focus is raising public awareness of the environment, especially marine ecosystems and improving the economy of the surrounding community, ” he said.
Herry hoped that the three study programs at the Department of Mathematics can work harder in facing the challenges in the Industrial Revolution 5.0 era. The study program should have adequate facilities to develop and take part in facing the challenges ahead.
“Resources in the study program need to have specific expertise and collaboration with potential partners is highly expected. To facilitate this, the study programs should be able to interact directly with faculty leaders, therefore the function of the department can be reduced,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh