UNAIR – Pelindo III Synergy to support Independent Campus Program

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Moh Nasih and PT Pelindo III HR Director Edy Priyanto S.KM., MM., during the MoU. (Photo: SS YouTube UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS- The Independent Campus Program implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture has encouraged many universities to make various breakthroughs. One of them is by cooperating with various industrial sector. To make the program a success, Universitas Airlangga together with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III held an MoU on Thursday, April 15, 2021.

Taking place at Amerta Hall Campus C UNAIR, the MoU between UNAIR and PT Pelindo III was held offline and streamed live via YouTube UNAIR and Zoom. In his remarks, PT Pelindo III HR Director Edy Priyanto, S.KM., MM., said that there is a shared responsibility between the world of education and industry to create superior and competitive human resources.

“Realizing superior and competitive Indonesian people is not only the task of the world of education, but also the role of the industrial world,” he said.

Therefore, continued Edy, who is also an alumnus of FKM UNAIR, synergy and synchronization of education and industry, is absolutely necessary. If all this time there is a gap between industry and the world of education, then the MoU between UNAIR and Pelindo III is expected to be a bridge for joint synergy to create superior and quality Indonesian human resources.

“We are always ready for that,” he said.

On the same occasion UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih in his speech said that his party really appreciated and welcomed the MoU with Pelindo III. The MoU, he continued, is expected to facilitate UNAIR’s potential as a storehouse of knowledge and to apply it in the field.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasih also mentioned that the MoU was also an effort to support the Independent Campus program. The reason is that by studying in the field, students can adjust their knowledge gained from their classes with real conditions in the professional world.

“Regarding the Independent Campus Program, this cooperation really supports the program. Therefore, this cooperation is very relevant to support and make students ready for the industrial world, “explained Prof. Nasih

In the end, from the MoU that will be held, Prof. Nasih also hoped that Pelindo III will not only become a place for internships where students seek knowledge. In the future, Pelindo is expected to be able to provide and share insights in the form of guest lectures.

“With this MoU, we think it will not only give students the opportunity to do internships for one semester or at least three months. However, Pelindo III can also exchange ideas in the form of discussions and lectures. And with this, the Independent Campus program can be realized optimally, ” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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