UNAIR NEWS – Mustika Milenia Dwi Tunjung Biru, an outstanding student of FKp UNAIR (Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga) introduced Indonesian batik to international delegates from several countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and some African countries at the International Student Forum. It is an effort to encourage the preservation of batik as an intangible cultural heritage that has been officially recognized by UNESCO since 2009. It is also an effort to improve the image, appreciation and pride of the Indonesian people and the international community for the cultural assets of Indonesia.
“This activity is very useful for promoting, campaigning, and disseminating things that need to be known by many people, especially by other nations, such as the cultural heritage of batik,” she said at the International Student Forum, FKp UNAIR, Sunday, April 11, 2021.
Batik is a traditional and ancient cloth craft made using wax-resistant staining techniques. It is usually made on the surface of fabrics such as cotton, linen, silk, rayon, and hemp. The word batik comes from the Javanese language “tik” which means `point`. In the process of making batik, the basic technique that beginners need to master is nglowong, which is the technique of attaching the wax to the cloth with a canting according to the pattern. At this stage, the batik pattern is drawn.
“Nglowong is a technique that beginners need to master. Nglowong, namely covering certain areas of the design by rubbing hot wax on it, the cloth is dipped in the dye repeatedly to produce maximum color quality. After the final staining, remove the wax with hot water. Then, the cloth is ready to be worn or displayed, ” she explained, who was also a student exchange delegate at the University of Malaya.
In Indonesia, there are two types of batik, traditional batik and contemporary batik. The difference between traditional batik and contemporary batik is that the making of traditional batik`s patterns and colors used is bound to certain rules and isen. Meanwhile, contemporary batik`s patterns and colors are free, not bound by limiting rules.
There are many batik patterns or patterns in Indonesia such as Mega Mendung batik (Cirebon), Parang Kusumo batik (Solo), Sido Mukti batik (Yogyakarta), Kawung batik (Javanese), and Tujuh Rupa batik (Pekalongan), where all the batik patterns have a standard that has been known since the time of our ancestors. Pakem is a rule about pattern so it seems so binding and seems to be an unwritten rule that crafters and consumers must obey.
According to him, introducing Indonesian batik to foreigners is one of the cultural diplomacy activities which can gain interests in the international community arena.
The implementation of international cultural activities will create understanding, strengthen friendship, increase the influence of Indonesian culture in civilization, and increase opportunities to advance the quality of human resources, especially in the field of culture.
“This activity is one of the effective efforts to encourage the introduction and promotion of Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage to the world,” she concluded.
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