UNAIR NEWS – Dissemination of Scientific Periodics of Indonesian Nursing Students (BIMIKI) was held online on Monday, March 8, 2021 through a zoom meeting. This dissemination was carried out by BIMIKI in collaboration with the Department of External Relations, Student Executive Board Faculty of Nursing (FKp) UNAIR.
BIMIKI is a semi-autonomous body (BSO) of ILMIKI (Indonesian Nursing Student Association) which is a forum for nursing students to publish their scientific work in the form of e-journals.
Titis Mustikowati as Head of the Department of External Relations of BEM FKp UNAIR said, the purpose of this activity was to introduce BIMIKI to students of Faculty of Nursing (FKp) and student organizations at FKp UNAIR.
“This activity was carried out to introduce BIMIKI to FKp UNAIR students,” he added.
The activity began with an opening session and material presentation by the BIMIKI team, continued with a question and answer session, documentation, and closing remarks. The presentation was the introduction of BIMIKI, delivered by the Head of BIMIKI, Eli Ermawati.
Eli Ermawati said that the advantage of being a member of BIMIKI is that students can get knowledge about journals and publications. In addition, students who are members of BIMIKI will have the opportunity to become journal editors.
“One of the advantages of being a member of BIMIKI is that you can become a journal editor. Students rarely become journal editors. Surely this is an interesting opportunity for all my colleagues, ” she added.
The activity went well and the participants who took part in the activity were very enthusiastic as they asked several questions to the speaker.
The activity is expected to be a start for FKp UNAIR students to take part in management or to gain insights related to scientific publications. (*)
Author : Umi Maghfiroton Fitri