Closing AEE 2021 event, Rector announces Golden Ticket recipients

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih announces of the Golden Ticket recipients. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) in 2021 is officially closed. After running for almost two weeks, AEE 2021 was closed with some events on Wednesday, February 24, from “Go Global with UNAIR” webinar to the announcement of “Golden Ticket” recipients.

Before the announcement of the Golden Ticket recipients by UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh Nasih, the committee first announced the winners of the tik tok and twibbon challenges. After that, Prof. Nasih first explained the reasons for giving the Golden Ticket to prospective SNMPTN applicants at UNAIR. According to him, many students have talents and achievements according to their abilities, from their academic grades, achievements as student council administrator, and achievements from winning various competitions.

“There are even high school students who consistently study their respective holy scriptures and memorizes it. There are also those whose report card scores are not very good, but have won at international level competitions. We need to appreciate things like these by giving them Golden Tickets, “explained Prof. Nasih.

After giving an explanation regarding the reasons for giving Golden Tickets to prospective SNMPTN applicants at UNAIR, Prof. Nasih also conveyed some data from Golden Ticket selection process that had been carried out by Student Admission Center (PPMB). According to him, at the beginning of the Golden Ticket registration, there were more than 500 prospective students had registered.

“From more than 500 registrants, 220 have fulfilled the administrative data. From 220, there are some incomplete data such as ranking and achievement data. So there were only about 200 that we process and there are 71 participants who are given the opportunity to verify further, “he explained. “Let’s just say that 71 people have reached the 90% of the steps and need the final verification with PPMB,” said Prof. Nasih.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasih made announcements and made direct interactions via zoom with the participants who received the Golden Tickets. Prof. Nasih also congratulated all the selected participants, and they were expected to carry out the final verification with PPMB UNAIR.

“Verification is needed to double check the submitted data so the participants who get the Golden Tickets really comply with the predetermined criteria,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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