Tips for choosing a major from UNAIR Psychology expert

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Infographic: Feri Fenoria
Infographic: Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – It is common knowledge that choosing a major is a problem for prospective new students. Mostly, prospective students feel lost in making the right choice, if they had to make certain choices, they would end up choosing the wrong major.

From that problem, Dr. Dewi Retno Suminar, M.Si., a lecturer of the Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) gave tips on choosing a major for prospective students.

Tips for choosing a major

  1. Understand yourself        

Understand yourself to know your potential and self-interests..

“What is important in self-understanding is that he must try to understand what his strengths are. For example, he or she is strong in math or calculation, strong in verbal, or strong in memory. Oh, he is strong in language, for example, because of his understanding of language concept,”

Have a dream

When you know your potential, have a dream to strengthen motivation so you can focus on your goals.

Understand the major

Prospective students must also be familiar with the majors to be taken, starting from looking for information on university website on majors, as well as understanding what programs and courses to take in the intended university.

Check out the graduates’ track records

Check out the track records of the graduates. It is important because it can motivate you to achieve your dreams. Also, to have a picture about it, so you are mentally ready.

Have a long discussion with parents

It should be an initial step between you and your parents to find the right solution for a problem in choosing a major.

“I often find communication problems coming from the child. They may ask their father, for a start, on why his father or mother asks him to choose that major. Children are pushed towards certain majors, even though in fact the children’s passion may not be there,”

Be responsible

There will always be choices. Anything you choose, you must be responsible, do it well with determination.

“Parents often force their will in choosing a major. So, there must be a discussion between children and parents.”

Read also

Self-understanding as main key in choosing a major

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