UNAIR Hospital supports the Covid-19 vaccination program

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Director of UNAIR Hospital, Prof. Nasron, inspects the vaccination procedure in UNAIR Hospital. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – The Covid-19 pandemic hitting various regions of the world is entering the vaccination stage. After several countries carried out the vaccination process, Indonesia also started a vaccination program started by first vaccination administered to President Joko Widodo on January 13, 2021.

After the president and high-ranking officials, representatives of health workers, and community leaders were injected with the vaccine, the vaccination program was started simultaneously in various regions in Indonesia, including at Universitas Airlangga Hospital.

Regarding the vaccination process at UNAIR Hospital, Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, Sp.PD., KPTI-FINASIM., as the Director of UNAIR Hospital, welcomed positively the program. To UNAIR NEWS on Tuesday, January 26, Prof. Nasron said that in addition to welcoming the covid-19 vaccination program, his party also made all the preparations for the awaited program, from its human resources to various supporting facilities for the vaccination process.

Before explaining the vaccination program carried out by UNAIR Hospital, Prof. Nasron explained that vaccination is intended for healthy people with predetermined criteria. This, he said, aims to ensure that each individual has immunity to achieve herd immunity.

“This vaccination will be carried out twice. The first injection serves as a reminder for the body to be strong against the incoming virus. The second time is aimed at increasing immunity to its maximum,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasron also reiterated that the vaccination was a good program. If done optimally, he continued, it would create herd immunity in the community.

“In Indonesia, at least 70% of the population needs to be vaccinated so that herd immunity is created. With herd immunity created, even though this virus is transmitted everywhere, it will definitely be rejected and there will be less transmission because immunity has been formed. That way this pandemic will slowly decrease and hopefully will disappear, “he explained.

Regarding vaccination services at UNAIR Hospital, according to him, there have been more than 400 health workers vaccinated at UNAIR Hospital starting from January 15, 2020. When they serve external health workers, the hospital staff still do the vaccinations as well as possible.

“All resources, from the human resources to vaccination facilities are prepared well. So, the program initiated by the government can be supported and optimized as well. In fact, starting from the preparation process and supporting facilities, Alhamdulillah, there were no obstacles. If there are obstacles in the future, we have prepared various facilities as well to anticipate the worst things that might happen, “he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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