Effect of double role conflict on female worker’s performance with work stress as the intervening variable

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Illustration by sehatnegeriku

Work is an economic activity carried out by a person with the intention of helping to earn income or profit, at least 1 hour (uninterrupted) in the past week (Central Statistics Agency, 2018). In the last few decades, economic development and growth have occurred very rapidly. This encourages a woman to participate in fulfilling household needs. So, it is not surprising that nowadays we often encounter working women. In the current era, where science and technology are developing rapidly, it has eroded the barriers that separate men and women to work. Also supported by evidence of Indonesia’s population of 2,65015.30 and the number of women who work and are registered in Indonesia is 47.02% (Central Statistics Agency, 2018). Worldwide, the participation of women in the world of work has started to increase since the 1960’s (U.S Cencus Buureau, 2003). So, this shows that in terms of quantity, female workers are a very potential labor factor. The demand to support the household economy is one reason for women to work.

A career woman is a woman who is in a job or profession and does various activities to increase her results and achievements. The term career woman is not appropriate if it is shown to all women who work in offices only, actually it is not always like that, work anything as long as you get an income and an advancement in life is a career (Anoraga, 2009). The participation of women today does not only demand equal rights but also expresses a function that has meaning for development in Indonesian society. This participation concerns the role of tradition and transition. Traditional or domestic roles include the role of women as wives, mothers and household managers. Meanwhile, the transitional role includes the notion of women as workers, members of society and human development. The transitional role of women as a workforce is actively involved in economic activities (earning a living) in various activities according to their skills and education and available employment opportunities (Imelda, et al., 2008).

Work-family conflict is a form of conflict between roles where the role pressure from work and family cannot be contradicted or harmonized in certain aspects (Utami et al., 2020). The work demands relate to the stresses that come from excessive workloads and time to complete work, such as work that has to be done hastily and has a deadline. Work-family conflict is a conflict that occurs in an individual due to taking on multiple roles, both in work and in the family, where time and attention is too devoted to one role only, so that the demands of other roles cannot be fulfilled optimally. There is currently an increasing trend for women to play multiple roles known as dual career households, through an increasing number of female workers placing work and family roles together, and demanding that they share roles effectively in order to avoid conflict between these roles. performed successfully (Seren Intepeler et al., 2019).

Indonesia as a developing country has actually positioned women at an equal level with men, especially in terms of manpower, because whether they realize it or not, women have a very important economic role in national development, in addition to other roles. If you look at the phenomenon that is currently developing, the problem of female employment shows that there are various gaps everywhere even though the Manpower Act, especially in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning female labor. So that demands are also starting to be directed at company owners so that they adopt policies related to work-family conflicts and make work-family conflicts as one of the important decisions in related companies. The success of the company’s performance can be seen from the performance achieved by its employees. Employee performance is the result of an employee’s work during a certain period compared to various possibilities such as targets, standards, or criteria that have been determined and agreed upon (Muzakki et al., 2019). Thus, the company demands that its employees be able to display optimal performance because good or bad performance achieved by employees will affect the overall performance and success of the company.

PT. Kembang Bulan Group is a traditional medicine company that was originally pioneered by Chinese medicine experts, namely the Lie Boen Tjong family who started its first production in the 1960s. With modern equipment and materials that are guaranteed and efficacious, making PT. Kembang Bulan Group Surabaya produces herbal medicines that can compete in the market. The number of employees who work at PT. Kembang Bulan Group Surabaya consists of 270 people consisting of 150 female employees and 120 male employees. It can be concluded that the number of female employees at PT. Kembang Bulan Group Surabaya is bigger than male employees. To achieve the annual target, PT. Kembang Bulan group is known to implement a target system per day, that is, the employees of this company must reach the target of 1 vet or around 1,080 boxes of medicine per day and usually that target can be met by employees unless there are obstacles. If the target is not met in one day due to problems such as medicinal powders, capsules or medicine boxes that have not arrived at the production site, the remaining unfulfilled targets will be delegated the next day which automatically has to work twice as much to meet today’s and yesterday’s targets (Suni , 2020, Interview Results, July).

Based on the results and discussion of this study, it can be concluded that work-family conflict has a significant effect on the performance of female employees at PT Kembang Bulan Group, work-family conflict has a significant effect on the work stress of female employees. at PT Kembang Bulan Group, work stress has a significant effect on the performance of female employees at PT Kembang Bulan Group, and work-family conflict has a significant effect on the performance of female employees at PT Kembang Bulan Group through the influence of work stress. Supported by a statement from Ukeka & Lasisi, (2019) that globally, work-family conflict remains an important field of research because it is to study demographic changes and their impact on the role of work-family. That way, work-family conflict will make a female employee at PT Kembang Bulan Group know how to manage and the consequences of work stress that she will encounter while working, so that it doesn’t affect her performance decline.

The results of this study can be used as a recommendation by the company’s management regarding the effect of transformational leadership style and job satisfaction on employee turnover with organizational commitment as a mediating variable. This can be increased again by holding holidays together from time to time in order to reduce the stress level experienced by female employees and build good cooperation, counseling female employees using people who are experts in psychology, or in a way that makes women feel more comfortable, not burdened with the demands it will face. This way, it can affect the welfare and success of all female workers who are also an important asset of human resources that can affect economic growth.

Author: Prof. Dr. Anis Eliyana, S.E., M.Si.

Details of this research available at:


(The Effect of Double Role Conflict (Work Family Conflict) on Female Worker’s Performance with Work Stress as the Intervening Variable)

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