UNAIR expert highlights Managerial Cognitive Capability in public organization’s performance

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UNAIR NEWS – As a higher education institution, it is an obligation for the academic community of Universitas Airlangga to provide direction, input, and criticism of various existing phenomena. Through the experts, the direction and criticism are expected to achieve a better impact.

In this regard, Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, Ph.D., an expert in organizational management, pays attention to the various forms of dynamics that exist in the organization, both in government and non-government organizations.

As reported in his scientific article published on Tuesday, January 5 on UNAIR NEWS website, Prof. Badri explained the results of his research on “Managerial cognitive capabilities, organizational capacity for change, and performance “. In his paper, Prof. Badri said change is a necessity, and the capacity for an organization to change is the key to an organization’s success in improving its performance.

“But what factors can determine the formation organizational capacity for change (OCC)?” he said.

In this research, Prof. Badri explained that his party argued that OCC was formed when managers who were middle-level leaders had sufficient cognitive capabilities. Thus, he continued, organizations have dynamic capabilities in responding to changes, MCC becomes a small foundation in implementing sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring to support the changes made.

“As managerial cognitive capabilities (MCC) do not have a direct influence on organizational performance, we argue that it is the ability of managers to exercise awareness and discovery processes. In other words, OCC acts as a mediator from MCC to organizational performance, which means the cognitive capabilities of managers, will not have an impact on the current work of the organization if they do not play a role in forming the organization to change, “he explained.

Furthermore, Prof. Badri also explained that the results of the research showed that organizational performance would improve if the organization had OCC. Managerial cognitive capability (MCC), he continued, will increasingly have an impact on organizational performance if it becomes OCC, before it affects organizational performance.

“For this reason, organizations that expect optimal results from the changes made, need to build organizational capacity to change. This capacity will exist if the middle-level managers of the organization have cognitive capabilities, “he explained.

At the end, the Professor of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR also emphasized that although this research was well designed, of course there are many things that can be improved in further research. For example, conducting surveys to various public organizations.

“Comparing private organizations with public organizations will also provide interesting perspectives. Change is a long process. Of course, a cross-sectional design will not capture the change process, “he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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