Department of Biology: Supporting Health Science Research

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International Conference of Biodiversity (ICOBIODIV) activity organized by the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology UNAIR in September 2019. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Being a department that has many research fields within Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga (FST UNAIR), the Department of Biology is always active in supporting research in the field of health sciences. The department, which has produced many research publications, oversees three programs, Biology Bachelor’s Program, Environmental Engineering Bachelor’s Program, and Biology Master’s Program.

Prof. Dr. Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih, M.Si., as the head of the department said that the Department of Biology FST UNAIR has seven research fields, including a center for testing the potential and toxicity of natural materials for standardized food and medicinal ingredients, biodiversity and cultivation of tropical plants, a research center for bio-molecular engineering, and an environmental research center.

“Besides, advance tropic biodiversity, genomics, and conservation research groups; exploration of secondary metabolites and genetic biodiversity of tropical medicinal plants to support the production of medicinal raw materials in Indonesia; as well as technology and environmental innovation, “added the Biology lecturer on Wednesday, January 20, 2021.

Prof. Tuti said, from all research fields, many researches have been funded by Research, Technology and Higher Education and Internal Fund through Competitive Grants and Strategic Research Grants. There are also Higher Education Leading Basic Research (PDUPT), Higher Education Excellence Applied Research (PTUPT), Top Tier Mandate Research, Journal Review Mandate Research, as well as Collaborative Research with International Partners.

According to her, the existing of many research fields can be a place for students who want to do research. This is evidenced by the large number of outstanding alumni in various research institutions, both national and international, such as Ida Ayu Puspasari Ph.D., Director of Vale Exploration Indonesia (Mining & Renewable Energy) Vale Chiba University, Japan; Wahyudin Ali Syakir, Manager in Environment Health and Safety (EHS), Qatalum, Qatar; Drs. Anis Febriantomo, Director of Operations at PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XII; and Prigi Arisandi, S.Si. M.Si. Goldman Environmental Prize winner , Executive Director at Ecoton, NGO.

Prof. Tuti also said that apart from the existence of a research groups, the biology department is also active in holding a conference in the environmental field called the International Conference of Science and Technology (ICST) every two years. Also, a national seminar on Biodiversity starting in 2019 will become an international seminar entitled International Conference of Biodiversity (ICOBIODIV).

Prof. Dr. Sri Puji Astuti Wahyuningsih, M.Si. Head of Department of Biology, FST UNAIR. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

“We have also fostered a village in collaboration with De durian Park in Wonosalam and PT Intiland through the Medicinal Plant Biodiversity Research and Fertilizer Development from Microbial Consortium,” she said.

Prof. Tuti hoped that the three programs can adapt well during the pandemic, with the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Society 5.0, Disruption Technology, so they can compete with similar programs both nationally and internationally.

“I expect them to conduct downstream process on their research results and apply the research results in the form of community service,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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