UNAIR NEWS – Nurses are the backbone of healthcare service system, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The need for nursing staff seems never enough. That is why hospitals and other health care facilities often open job vacancies for nurses.
As a response to this problem, Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., MSc., PhD., a lecturer at Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga decided to create a start-up app “Pasar Kerja Perawat” (lit: Nurse Job Market, an app that brings together graduates who are looking for jobs in health care facilities. According to the lecturer known well as Ferry, the app has several features.
“The main feature is nursing job vacancy information. Users can immediately get updates on current available nurse job vacancies. Users can also search for vacancies according to their areas of expertise, for example ICU nurses, COVID-19 nurses, and so on, “he said.
Ferry also explained that the app does not only target job seekers, but also job providers. According to him, hospitals, clinics and other job providers can post job vacancy information on the application. For providers who subscribe to premium features, job seekers can apply directly via the application.
“It can simplify the recruitment process for both parties,” continued the man who is currently the Secretary of Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI).
As of December 2020, this start-up has been incorporated under the name PT. Pasar Kerja Perawat, with Gading Ekapuja Aurizki, S.Kep., Ns., MSc, Faculty of Nursing alumni as Director. Continuing his senior statement, Gading said that the firm (PT) registration aims to make the “Pasar Kerja Perawat” grow bigger, especially to attract investors.
“In the future,“Pasar Kerja Perawat” will not only be engaged in recruitment and job vacancies information providers, but also training for nurses,” he said.
At the end, Gading also explained that this start-up app already has a BISIKAN (Nursing Fun Talk) program, a talk show program focusing on nursing career development which takes place every two weeks.
“We hope that Pasar Kerja Perawat can become a forum for the development of nursing profession, from nurses, by nurses, and for nurses,” said the alumnus of University of Manchester.
Author: Nuri Hermawan