Understanding the causes of Temper Tantrum in children

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Illustration by Hello Sehat

Temper tantrums are emotional outbursts or tantrums from children aged 12 to 36 months and sometimes still found in children aged 5 or 6 years. Based on a research fact that temper tantrum is not treated early on, it will be carried away as adults, they become angry adults too. Early treatment can be done by looking at the cause of the emergence of temper tantrum behavior. Based on the effect analysis of early weaning, toilet training and parenting on temper tantrum behavior tested on parents or guardians of students of preschool children, it shows a significant effect of these three factors.

Weaning that is done early on will reduce the bonding between mother and child, so that the child is uncomfortable and has an impact on negative behavior that leads to temper tantrums. Next is the failure of toilet training which causes parents to treat children strictly, such as parents often scold children when defecating or even forbidding defecation or bowel movements while traveling, so it can interfere with the child’s personality to be more expressive, tend to be careless, like to make trouble, emotional and careless in doing daily activities. 

Furthermore, the type of parenting or upbringing of the parents can also affect the intensity of the child’s emotional outburst. Children who get what they want, too protected and dominated by their parents, and parents who are not disciplined are the triggers for temper tantrum behavior in children. The results of this study have been published in the Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion, which is accredited by Sinta 2. Furthermore, based on the results of this study, it is expected to provide stimulation for the community to provide good stimulation for children, provide optimal breastfeeding, good toilet training in children, as well as loving care. So the child will have good personality and social adjustment, independence, and healthy, positive initiatives that can reduce temper tantrum behavior.

Author: Eny Qurniyawati

Details of this article can be viewed at: https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/jpki/article/view/23504

Qurniyawati, E., & Ratnawati, R. Penyapihan Dini, Toilet Training dan Pola Asuh serta Pengaruhnya pada Temper Tantrum. Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia15(1), 31-35..

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