The youngest, Kiki Adi Kurnia ranked second in Google Scholar version of Best UNAIR Researchers

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KIKI Adi Kurnia S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., a lecturer at Department of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences UNAIR, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States. (Photo: By courtesy)
KIKI Adi Kurnia S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., a lecturer at Department of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences UNAIR, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – At the end of 2020, the Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) Universitas Airlangga officially released the TOP 210 Best UNAIR Researchers based on Google Scholar. One of the lecturers of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPK) Kiki Adi Kurnia S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. was ranked 2nd among 210 UNAIR researchers.

This achievement is very surprising as the lecturer known well as Kiki is the youngest lecturer among lecturers in the Top 5. From 2010 to 2021, the total citations from journals published by Kiki reached 1873 citations based on Google Scholar data. The number of Kiki journal publications that got at least 10 citations (index value-i10) reached 41.

His journal published in 2013 entitled Systematic study of the thermophysical properties of imidazolium-based ionic liquids with cyano-functionalized anions received the most citations with 144 citations. The number of citations made the Marine Sciences Department lecturer ranked second place.

However, the 38-year-old lecturer did not pay attention greatly to this ranking because Kiki’s main goal is to conduct research and disseminate the results to the public. This goal exists because when Kiki took the Bachelor of Chemistry degree at the Bandung Institute of Technology ( ITB ), he wanted to be a lecturer who does research.

“I do the things I like. I like to research, do research and write the results of my research, “he said.

Kiki took a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Petronas , Malaysia, and became a senior lecturer there. He also mentored 45 students; in fact, each of his students always published the results of their research. This condition is very different from what he found in  Indonesia. The average number of students supervised by Indonesian lecturers can publish about 10 studies per year.

“Something is missing from it, and maybe the students are not diligent enough in researching. My suggestion is that the results of the research carried out are written and published, “he said.

In the Department of Marine Sciences, his research focuses on the exploration of marine products. Some of the research being carried out with the team and students is isolating active ingredients from sea cucumbers, and processing shrimp waste into biosorbents. Furthermore, Kiki is also involved in collaborative research on a sensor to detect blood glucose.

Kiki’s education history was not only in Malaysia. He continued his career in Portugal as a Post-doctoral Universidade De Aveiro. He has made various International achievements, including being the best lecturer, winning silver awards in terms of teaching and innovation, and being the Student Affairs Advisor of AIChE (Large Organization of Chemical Engineering) in the United States. There, he also encouraged Chemical Engineering students to innovate and win some competitions.

“The result of a long journey, for 10 years, is the result of my learning to be patient. My patience was really tested, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Dimar Herfano

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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