The current era of globalization has demanded institutions, both organizations and agencies, be more innovative in managing their human resources. Human resources (HR) are key element in an organization because humans have different characteristics compared to other resources (Hersona et al., 2017). Therefore, the success of an organization will be determined by the quality of its employees, which in turn can also affect the quality of good work.
Tight and quick-paced competition between institutions and agencies will encourage an organization and agency to make improvements to its employee resource management system. In the process of forming an organization or agency that is in accordance with the main objective, increasing the capacity of existing human resources must be considered. One example is the Hospital, which is one of the government agencies and facilities that are very important to people’s lives at this time, with the increasing needs of healthcare.
Bumiayu General Hospital is one of the government hospitals in Indonesia. The hospital has an effort to make Bumiayu Hospital the best center for health services for the community and become a referral hospital for the southern Brebes area, so the hospital is expected to improve its performance for the community. Thus, the hospital really needs to have competent employees in all fields. Employee performance has a very important role in achieving the hospital’s goals. Performance can be interpreted as productivity which states a quality, quantity, and contribution of work (Wardani & Eliyana, 2020).
When productivity is high, the overall performance in the organization will also be high. Researchers develop independent variables of leadership, work environment, perceived organizational support and make the motivation variable as a mediation for the employee performance of Bumiayu Hospital. The reason the researchers made Bumiayu Hospital as the object of research was because Bumiayu Hospital had problems with improving the class type of hospital.
According to the data, the leadership of the Bumiayu Regional Hospital in 2019 submitted a resignation letter to the Regent of Brebes, which explained that there were many problems inside Bumiayu Hospital, such as the proposal to upgrade the hospital class from type D to C, revision of service tariffs, and lack of specialist doctors. Employees must work as well as possible in order to get good results or outputs in accordance with what the organization has expected, because employee performance will affect the success or success of Bumiayu Hospital.
In addition, in this study, the role of leadership is important. The leadership as one of the important elements in maintaining, achieving and improving the organizational performance. The leadership plays a dominant role in the overall effort to improve performance, at the individual, group and organizational level. Not only work as environment leadership, it can also be interpreted as a force that influences, either directly or indirectly, the performance of an organization or company (Kurniawan, Harry, 2019).
Meanwhile, perceived organizational support is the extent to which employees will believe that their superiors appreciate their contribution and concern for their welfare (Chen & Shaffer, 2017). So that when employees experience welfare in themselves, they will work optimally for their organization. Apart from that, motivation can also be stated as a factor that encourages a person to carry out an activity, therefore motivation is often interpreted as a factor driving one’s behavior (Kurniawan, Harry, 2019). To implement leadership, work environment, perceived organizational support for employee performance, the existence of a motivational mediating variable is assumed to be a driving factor in implementing all these things properly.
According to Bastari et al., (2020) leadership is an ability that can encourage employees to achieve organizational goals. That is, an organization can be said to be successful or not determined by the leadership in it. A leader will tend to show empathy, which can encourage employees by motivating their employees so that employees feel comfortable while carrying out their work, conversely if employees feel that their leaders are not good enough and less precise in influencing the performance produced by employees can also decrease not in accordance with what has been planned. In addition, employee performance can also be influenced by the work environment and perceived organizational support.
Supported by a statement from Siddiqi & Tangem, (2018) which states that work environment standards will have an influence on performance and ultimately affect employee competitiveness. A good work environment helps keep employees fit both physically and mentally. A conducive work environment will provide a sense of security and allow employees to work optimally, which results in high employee performance. The factor that affects the performance of the next employee is perceived organizational support, where perceived organizational support is very influential on performance because employee perceptions of the support provided by the organization where they work will affect how the performance is formed, so that the achievement of a target or goal of an organization is highly dependent on the performance produced by its employees. According to Ahmed & Nawaz, (2015), although organizations value contributions and care about employee welfare is important, organizations must also care that employees will seek real support shown by the organization based on employee perceptions as a view of organizational support. So, to achieve organizational goals appropriately, employees will still feel their psychological well-being through the support provided by the organization.
Based on the research and discussion that has been carried out and analyzed, it is concluded that leadership has a significant effect on employee motivation of Bumiayu Hospital, the work environment has no significant effect on employee motivation in Bumiayu Hospital, Perceived Organizational Support has a significant effect on employee motivation of Bumiayu Hospital, leadership has no significant effect. Bumiayu Hospital Employee Performance, Work Environment has a significant effect on Bumiayu Hospital Employee Performance, Perceived Organization Support has no significant effect on Bumiayu Hospital Employee Performance, Leadership has a significant effect on Bumiayu Hospital Employee Performance through Motivation, Work Environment has no significant effect on Bumiayu Hospital Employee Performance through Motivation, Perceived Organizational Support has a significant effect on the Employee Performance of Bumiayu Hospital through motivation, and motivation has a significant effect on performance. Bumiayu Hospital employees.
According to Wardani & Eliyana, (2020) performance can be defined as productivity which states a quality, quantity, and contribution of work. When productivity is high, the overall performance in the organization will also be high. To establish the quality, quantity, and contribution of work requires attention to other aspects related to their effect on improving employee performance. This can be done by paying attention to aspects of leadership, work environment, perceived organizational support, and motivation, all of which aim to increase the ability of the organization to achieve its goals through employee performance. Thus, the problems contained in Bumiayu Hospital can be resolved slowly through better employee performance in producing better quality work, not only that but employees will still feel positive because they still feel psychological well-being.
Author: Anis Eliyana
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