UNAIR holds webinar for staff to anticipate Covid-19 spread

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dr Isnin Anang M SpP (K) (left) during webinar for UNAIR administrative staff, Tuesday, January 5, 2021. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – The number of Covid-19 cases is increasing every day. On a national scale, as of January 4, 2021, there were 772 thousand cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia. It is undeniable that the spread of Covid-19 is getting even wider.

Anticipating this issue, Universitas Airlangga through the Faculty of Medicine holds a special online seminar (webinar) for administrative staff. The webinar discussing anticipative measures for the spread of Covid-19 was held on Tuesday afternoon, January 5, 2021. Attending as speaker in the webinar was dr Isnin Anang M SpP (K) and dr Tedy Apriawan SpBS (K) as moderator.

The pulmonary specialist opened the seminar by reminding the participants that the Coronavirus can spread from unexpected media. One of them sticks for days on certain surfaces.

“On the floor surface, the virus can last up to five days. For example, there are guests who come (infected with Covid-10, ed), then the floor is not cleaned, then we lie on the floor, we can get it (Coronavirus), “said Anang.

In many cases, added Anang, there are several symptoms that often appear in people infected with Covid-19, such as a high fever of more than 39 degrees, feeling tired, dry cough, eating disorders, muscle aches, and shortness of breath.

However, doctor Anang said that Covid-19 was a virus with an unstable nature with many mutations. They make symptoms of each person infected with the Coronavirus different from one another.

People with comorbidities, he continued, had a high risk of death. Some of the comorbidities include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, hypertension, and tumors.

On that occasion, Doctor Anang gave tips to the participants as an effort to protect them from exposure to Covid-19, including adopting a healthy diet and living, getting enough rest 6-8 hours per day, doing moderate exercise at least 15 minutes per day, and as much as possible to minimize stress. “We have to protect our psychological condition,” he said.

Doctor Anang also provided tips for women with pregnancy. According to him, they are not much different from people in general, pregnant women are advised to consume lots of vitamin C. “In particular, increase the amount of Vitamin C, we can also get them from fruit rich in vitamin C, it is better,” he said.

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

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