UNAIR Veterinary Paramedics Program holds community service on cattle disease

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ICE 2020 committee present token of appreciation to Head of Paringan Village. (Photo: Personal documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – As an implementation of Higher Education Tri Dharma, Universitas Airlangga’s Veterinary Paramedics student association held International Community Engagement (ICE) on Saturday, November 7, 2020. It is an annual program which combines community service activity and international student workshop.

For this year’s ICE, the community service was held on site and virtual. To know more about ICE 2020, UNAIR NEWS interviewed ICE 2020 Head of Committee M. Daffa Syahputra. Daffa said that the community service was held in Paringan Village, Jenangan Sub-district, Ponorogo Regency. He also said that there were also participants from Malaysia.

“The topic of ICE 2020 was ‘Health Quality Improvement to Prevent Diseases in Cattle amid Pandemic’. Hopefully, with this topic, we could educate and build awareness in the community in terms of cattle health and their quality improvement,” said the student from Class of 2019.

Daffa said that ICE 2020 was also held to improve students’ concern to the community and to share their knowledge as the future veterinary paramedics. He elaborated that there were 10 students went to the village directly to Paringan Village. The event was attended by 20 residents, most of them are cattle farmers.

“For the residents that have cattle, the committee also distribute vitamin injection and some drugs. The injection to cows and goats were done under supervision of a vet graduated from UNAIR,” he concluded.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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