Increasing collaboration on internationalization of education, UNAIR signs MoU with Belarusian State University

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UNAIR NEWS – Internationalization programs continue to be improved by Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). One of them is maintaining collaboration with international university partners. This time, UNAIR collaborated with Belarusian State University. The signing of the MoU was held virtually through Zoom on Tuesday, November 3.

Rector of Belarusian State University, Mr. Andrei Korol joined the MOU meeting between UNAIR and Belarusian State University. Through this online meeting, the collaboration between the two parties can be done without physical contact.

UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA said that the internationalization of education is one of the essential aspects for higher education. Since 2010, UNAIR has strived to become one of World Class University (WCU) by continuously improving its quality and academic facilities.

“There are several aspects that need to be achieved to become one of world class university, such as advancing an international standard curriculum and developing student capabilities to suit the international standard education system,” he said.

Through internationalization and collaboration with universities, UNAIR has experienced an increase in the quality of education. Prof. Nasih hoped that after the meeting, there would be a better understanding of higher education, including the potential for collaboration in academic activities between UNAIR and Belarusian State University.

“Hopefully, UNAIR and Belarusian State University will support each other to become world class university,” he explained.

Furthermore, Secretary of Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) Dina Septiani, Ph.D said the collaboration between these two universities was initiated by Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE). The initiation process is by inviting Belarusian State University to participate in the international program prepared by AGE.

“AGE is currently in the process of establishing student exchange activities,” she explained.

According to Dina, the proposal is still in the negotiation process. Hopefully, there will be five students exchange from Belarus University to UNAIR in virtual summer course activities.

“In the future, there will be several related faculties. AGE as a facilitator will be connecting UNAIR with several faculties in Belarus State University, “she concluded. (*)

Author: Sandi Prabowo

Editor:  Khefti Al Mawalia

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